PAN Europe reconstruction of the downfall of the EU endocrine policy
How EU Commission Health service DG SANTE joined forces with economic DG's on the criteria for endocrine disruption and crushed not only their enemy, lead DG Environment, but also the entire new EU policy on endocrine disruption. |
PAN Europe Annual Report 2014
including stories of success from the PAN Europe Network. |
Missed & Dismissed
Pesticide regulators ignore the legal obligation to use independent science for deriving safe exposure levels.
Also available with in French. |
PAN Europe Annual Report 2013
including stories of success from the PAN Europe Network. |
A Poisonous Injection
How industry tries to water down the risk assessment of pesticide mixtures in everyday food
Also read the decleration of PAN Europe regarding RIVM. |
Reducing pesticide use across the EU
Risks of herbicide 2,4-D
Growing of genetically engineered plants likely to increase spraying of “agent orange herbicide” - if approved, it could be imported into the EU as GM animal feed. |
Pesticide Action Network Europe's 2012 report
In this report we outline PAN Europe's role, provide our analysis of EU pesticide policy developments, describe some of our major activities and finally provide highlights of our network members' activities in 2012. |
Race To The Bottom - Het CTBG doorgelicht
Het College voor de toelating ven bestrijdingsmiddelen (Ctgb) is gewikkeld in een ‘race to the bottom’ om bij het bedrijfsleven in het gevlij te komen en offert daarbij de bescherming van het Nederlandse milieu tegen de schadelijke effecten van bestrijdingsmiddelen op.
Also available with English summary and conclusions. |
Meet (chemical) agriculture - The world of backdoors, derogations, sneaky pathways and loopholes - part 5
Italy beats all other EU member states in keeping unsustainable farming practices alive in intensive fruit and vegetable production. |
Pesticide Action Network Europe's 2011 report
In this report we outline PAN Europe's role, provide our analysis of EU pesticide policy developments, describe some of our major activities and finally provide highlights of our network members' activities in 2011. |
PAN report - A TTC for PCPs? Mais, Oui!
Drive Continues to Replace Chronic Toxicity Tests With a Fabricated Threshold of Toxicologic Concern (TTC). |
PAN report - The “120-day derogation”
Meet (Chemical) Agriculture. In 2011, EU Member States granted 230 pesticide authorizations for emergency situations
Extra download: derogations in 2007-2012 (xls) |
PAN report - Disrupting food
Endocrine disrupting chemicals
in European Union food.
Also available in French. |
PAN report - Twisting and bending the rules
In ‘Resubmission’ all efforts are aimed to get pesticides approved. |
Network of industry agents uncovered in Food Authority EFSA
A new PAN Europe report reveals that 10 out of 13 members of the EFSA working group on TTC (Threshold of Toxicological Concern, a method to decide on the health impacts of chemicals), have a conflict of interest. |
Roundup and birth defects
Is the public being kept in the dark?
Also available in French and German. |
PAN report on derogations of soil fumigant Metam
Massive use of Metam based on loophole construction in 15 EUJ member states. |
Europe's pesticide and food safety regulators
New report of Claire Robinson (Earth Open Science) on Food Authority EFSA's love of industry lobby club ILSI. Click here to download. |
Pesticide Action Network Europe's 2010 report
In this report we outline PAN Europe's role, provide our analysis of EU pesticide policy developments, describe some of our major activities and finally provide highlights of our network members' activities in 2010. |
Meet (chemical) agriculture, The world of backdoors, derogations, sneaky pathwyas and loopholes
France European backdoor champion on pesticides.
Download the Excel annex here.
Also available in French |
Pesticide Action Network Europe's 2009 report
In this report we outline PAN Europe's role, provide our analysis of EU pesticide policy developments, describe some of our major activities and finally provide highlights of our network members' activities in 2009. |
Pesticides and the loss of biodiversity
How intensive pesticide use affects wildlife populations and species diversity
Presenting research into the impact of pesticides on biodiversity and detailing current policies and methods for biodvieristy conservation.
Also available in French |
NAP Best Practice:
Sustainable use of pesticides: Implementing a National Action Plan
A guide to assist and support
EU member states in producing their National Action Plans
(NAP) as required under the Sustainable Use Directive
Week without pesticides
PAN-Europe brochures about the Semain sans pesticides (Week without pesticides) , March 2010
Semain sans pesticides
PAN-Europe document de la Semaine sans pesticides, Mars 2010.
See also www.semaine-sans-pesticides.com
PAN Europe Annual Report
including stories of success from the PAN Europe Network.
Pesticide Use Reduction Strategies in Europe
An analytic overview of six European pesticide use reduction programmes - features case studies of initiatives led by national governments, farmers, NGOs and retailers
Also available in French |
Apple Production:
State of the art IPM and organic production systems in Europe
An overview of IPM and organic apple production systems in Europe |
Potato Production:
State of the art IPM and organic production systems in Europe
An overview of IPM and organic potato production systems in Europe |
Alternatives to Pesticides
A manual for IPM agricultural production in Armenia. Written by Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment; translated by PAN Europe |
Towards Pesticide Use Reduction in Germany
The case for pesticide use reduction in Germany: benefits and strategies |
Danish Pesticide Use Reduction Programme
Summary report documenting the successes of Denmark's national pesticide use reduction programme
Pesticide Use Reduction is Working
An assessment of national reduction strategies in Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands and Norway |