PAN Europe in the news

2019-11-25 Parte oggi in tutta Europa la raccolta delle firme ICE "Save Bees and... Italy
2019-11-25 Campaigners launch EU petition to ban synthetic pesticides EU ENDS Europe
2019-11-25 Европейска инициатива: Да спасим пчелите и земеделците
2019-11-25 Europees burgerinitiatief opgestart tegen synthetische pesticiden
2019-11-25 Une initiative européenne pour bannir les pesticides en 2035 Belgium LeSoir.Be
2019-11-25 Europäische Bürgerinitiative "Bienen und Bauern retten!" gestarte... finanznachricht...
2019-11-21 Commission pesticides data draws scepticism EU ENDS Europe
2019-10-08 La Germania esporta pesticidi vietati in europa Italy Rinnovabili
2019-09-17 Initial EU probe suggests no need for regulatory action on pesticide '... EU ENDS Europe
2019-09-12 Api, una coalizione europea chiede il bando dei pesticidi Cambialaterra.i...
2019-09-05 Glifosato, la Francia processa il sindaco anti-pesticidi. L'Italia att...
2019-08-05 Environmental groups launch EU campaign to ban all pesticides by 2035 The Independent...
2019-08-02 “The collapse of nature”: Proposal submitted to EU calling for pesticide co... foodingredients...
2019-07-31 Activists all abuzz as Belgians protest over use of pesticides in Europe Euronews
2019-07-31 Activists all abuzz over use of pesticides in Europe AP Archive
2019-07-12 Industry and campaigners draw battle lines over EDC policy review EU ENDS Europe
2019-07-12 Brussels Bulletin: Campaigner calls for regulatory action on European pesti... International Food Navigator
2019-07-05 27.5% of food contains two or more pesticide residues without mixtures bein... Agence Europe
2019-07-04 Exposure to pesticide mixtures increasing, campaigners warn EU ENDS Europe
2019-06-23 Assurdo che un territorio dove la popolazione viva a disagio sia patrimonio...
2019-06-21 Il clorpirifos è tra i pesticidi più utilizzati negli agrumi in vendita in... Italy Il Salvagente
2019-06-20 Agrumi al clorpirifos, un primato europeo Italy Cambia La Terra
2019-06-20 Campaigners call for EU to ban the pesticide chlorpyrifos EU ENDS Europe
2019-06-17 The most dangerous pesticide you've never heard of EU EU Observer
2019-06-17 Europa onderzoekt verbod op insectenvergif dat in onze voeding opduikt Belgium Knack
2019-06-17 Interdit dans huit pays européens, le pesticide chlorpyrifos traverse les f... France Le Monde
2019-06-14 Pesticidi, alcuni Comunni hanno detto no. La svolta bio non è un'utopi... Ilfattoquotidia...
2019-06-12 Liberi dai pesticidi: l'Italia comincia dai Comuni Italy Cambia La Terra
2019-06-03 Science institute that advised EU and UN 'actually industry lobby grou... UK The Guardian
2019-05-29 Trentino Alto Adige e pesticidi: la contaminazione dei frutteti si estende...
2019-05-22 Alto Adige: parchi giochi contaminati da pesticidi provenienti da vigneti e... Italy Il Salvagente
2019-05-22 Dai meleti una minaccia per i parchi giochi Italy Cambia La Terra
2019-05-22 I parchi giochi dei bambini sono contaminati da pesticidi
2019-05-22 Playgrounds contaminated with pesticides Weekly Blitz
2019-05-21 Parchi giochi contaminati dai pesticidi di meleti e frutteti. Il nuovo stud...
2019-05-13 Così la lobby dell’agrochimica è riuscita ad influenzare i voti dell’Ue Italy Il Salvagente
2019-05-10 Documents reveal EU bowed to demands of pesticide lobbies Belgium The Brussels Ti...
2019-05-10 Health officials ‘protected use’ of 32 dangerous #Pesticides EU Reporter - E...
2019-05-10 Spain routinely allowing unauthorised pesticides use, environmentalists cla... EU ENDS Europe
2019-05-10 Europe toxique? La Commission plie devant le lobby des pesticides
2019-05-10 Zwart-op-wit bewezen: Europa buigt voor pesticidelobby DeMorgen
2019-05-09 De EU heeft zijn criteria afgezwakt, en dus mag het meeste landbouwgif gewo... deVerdieping Tr...
2019-05-09 EC documents reveal a fight to cripple important European pesticide protect... EU European Intere...
2019-05-09 EU executive denies seeking to water down EDC restrictions EU ENDS Europe
2019-05-09 Comment la Commission européenne a tenté d'affaiblir la protection con... France Libération
2019-04-26 Brazil finds worrying levels of pesticides in water of 1,400 towns UK The Guardian
2019-04-12 EU 'may legalise human harm from pesticides' The Ecologist
2019-04-12 EU 'may legalise human harm from pesticides' The Ecologist
2019-03-19 Ministers told to “increase environmental ambition” of CAP AGRA FACTS
2019-02-28 The quest to abandon pesticides Wine Business i...
2019-02-12 MEPs demand binding targets to cut pesticide use EU ENDS Europe
2019-01-25 MEPs want Member States to properly implement directive on sustainable use... Agence Europe
2019-01-23 Commission pushes looser criteria to test pesticides’ impact on bees EU Politico
2019-01-16 MEPs adopt ‘blueprint’ for pesticide regulation reform EU ENDS Europe
2019-01-15 Glyphosate: watchdog accused of reliance on industry reports EU ENDS Europe
2018-12-15 Protect soil, campaigners tell lawmakers EU ENDS Europe
2018-12-13 Pesticide specialists propose EU regulatory fix EU ENDS Europe
2018-12-12 Parliament demands pesticide transparency EU ENDS Europe
2018-12-07 Mixed reaction to MEPs pesticides inquiry report EU ENDS Europe
2018-12-07 Pesticides: des méthodes d’évaluation très critiquées Journal de l...
2018-12-06 EU pesticide approval system needs ‘major changes’ EU ENDS Europe
2018-12-06 Ideological divisions mar the pesticide special committee’s last act Euractiv
2018-12-03 Meno pesticidi e più turismo: la ricetta dei Borghi Autentici Italiani Italy Cambia La Terra
2018-11-26 Pressure mounts over controversial pesticide produced by DowDuPont EU Politico
2018-11-07 Member states ‘put #Bees at risk by failure to adopt guidance designed to p... EU Reporter
2018-11-07 EU Commission drops move to soften pesticides EDC ban Chemical Watch
2018-11-07 PAN EUROPE deplores member states' refusal to apply EFSA guidelines fo... Agence Europe
2018-11-05 France bans metam sodium pesticides EU ENDS Europe
2018-11-02 Civil society questions Europe’s ‘perfect’ pesticide authorisation system Euractiv
2018-11-02 120 NGOs launch Manifesto for change on pesticide authorisations EU Food Policy
2018-11-01 Nasce la Coalizione europea cittadini per la scienza nel controllo dei pest... Italy Il Salvagente
2018-11-01 120 NGOs and scientists urge EU for greater protection of health and enviro... Agence Europe
2018-10-31 Coalizione 100 ong, pubblicare dati test sicurezza pesticidi Italy ANSA
2018-10-31 Evaluation des pesticides : une coalition d'ONG et d'experts dema... France Actu Environnem...
2018-10-31 Call for reform to EU pesticides regulation EU ENDS Europe
2018-10-31 Zulassung zu lasch? Deutschlandfunk
2018-10-26 France imposes emergency ban on metam sodium pesticides EU ENDS Europe
2018-10-25 Pesticide licence renewals subject to EDC screening EU ENDS Europe
2018-10-24 EU executive bans three widely used pesticides EU ENDS Europe
2018-10-23 ‘Illegal’ attempt to weaken EU pesticides rules backed by UK could increase... Independent
2018-10-23 EU move to ‘soften’ pesticides EDC ban ‘deeply troubling’ – NGOs Chemical Watch
2018-10-16 Call for governments to back EC pesticide bans EU ENDS Europe
2018-10-11 France’s decade-old effort to slash pesticide use failed. Will a new attemp... Science Magazin...
2018-10-02 La Belgique n’est pas un bon élève en termes d’utilisation de pesticides, b... Belgium Le Soir
2018-09-28 MEPs call for non-agricultural pesticide ban EU ENDS Europe
2018-09-27 Glifosato, deputati Ue e sindaci chiedono bando europeo ANSA
2018-09-24 Business confidentiality: The ‘hot potato’ of new EU transparency rules on... Euractiv
2018-09-21 MEP probe points to ‘shortcomings’ in EU pesticide approvals EU ENDS Europe
2018-09-21 PEST Committee draft calls for transperancy AGRA FACTS
2018-09-20 Authorisation of pesticides - Recommendations of European Parliament specia... Agence Europe
2018-09-13 Lawmakers back plans to strengthen pesticide authorisation system EU ENDS Europe
2018-08-16 Neonic replacement could be just as harmful to bees EU ENDS Europe
2018-08-14 Renewed glyphosate ban calls after US court verdict EU ENDS Europe
2018-08-13 US court’s ruling raises questions for glyphosate in Europe Politico
2018-08-02 Warning over pesticides combination risk EU ENDS Europe
2018-07-30 Bayer to appeal neonic ban court verdict EU ENDS Europe
2018-07-26 NGOs join Brussels Region in glyphosate court case EU ENDS Europe
2018-07-18 Brussels moves goalposts on glyphosate EU Politico
2018-07-18 Campaigners fear open door for endocrine disrupting pesticides EU ENDS Europe

© Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe), Rue de la Pacification 67, 1000, Brussels, Belgium, Tel. +32 2 318 62 55

Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe) gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the European Union, European Commission, DG Environment, LIFE programme. Sole responsibility for this publication lies with the authors and the funders are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.