The Commission Communication "Towards a Thematic
Strategy for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides" considered
the introduction of special levies on Plant Protection Products
(PPPs) as a means to encourage the use of low-input or pesticide-free
farming particularly by application of a financial instrument. Although
the Commission now rejects a harmonised EU level tax, it leaves
space for the introduction of different tax schemes in order to
fulfil different environmental and health concerns in different
Member States.
Some Member States have already introduced specific levies, while
others are planning to do so. Introduction of an environmental levy
or tax would raise awareness of the detrimental effects of pesticides
and could serve to finance national plans for the reduction of pesticide
dependency. This briefing gives examples of taxes already introduced
in Norway and two EU countries, Denmark and Sweden and provides
key ingredients for successful incorporation of pesticide taxation
for pesticide use and risk reduction goals.
Three Scandinavian countries have undertaken pesticide reduction
programmes in the last two decades, Norway starting in 1985, Sweden
in 1986 and Denmark in 1987. These started with crude reduction
targets in terms of simple use or volume percentages, and have since
been revised and refined, with Denmark taking the approach of reducing
intensity of pesticide treatment, using the Treatment Frequency
Index (TFI) to measure progress. Norway and Sweden have favoured
instead a risk reduction approach, compiling risk indicators for
human health and environment. A detailed overview of these three
programmes and a similar programme in the Netherlands has been compiled
by PAN Europe, covering progress up till end of 2003 (1).
These programmes encompass a very wide range of measures, ranging
from regulatory actions under which pesticides are authorised for
use, fiscal tools, legal restrictions on usage to farmer training
and advice, research on alternatives and a suite of voluntary measures.
For example, Sweden withdrew 80 out of the 180 active ingredients
authorised for use nationally during a rigorous review of its regulatory
system during 1990-1994. A total of 54 different measures was reported
by the four countries studied, with Sweden instigating 40 measures,
and 34 undertaken by Denmark and Sweden. All pesticide reduction
programmes incorporated some form of pesticide taxation, with the
exception of the Netherlands.
Achievements in reduction in pesticide usage, as measured by gross
volume of active ingredient, by the late 1990s, was around 47% for
Denmark, 54% for Norway and 67% for Sweden. However, these volume
reductions cannot be attributed solely to the government programmes
as the pesticide market evolved over a similar period, with sales
of newer pesticides active at very low doses (g per ha, rather than
kg per ha for many of the cheaper, older products). As these newer
pesticides are biologically active at very small concentrations,
a reduction in gross volume used at national level does not equate
to a corresponding reduction in risk to health or environment. The
Scandinavian countries therefore revised their programme targets
to use more sophisticated measures of risk or intensity.
Sweden estimates risk to human health was reduced by 77% between
1997-2001, and environmental risk by 63% over the same period, the
third phase of its programme. Norwegian risk indicators show a reduction
of 33% and 37% for health and environment respectively, during 1998-2002,
exceeding the 25% reduction target of its second phase. Denmark
reduced pesticide treatment intensity from a TFI of 2.45 to 2.04
during 2000-2002, narrowly missing its target of bringing the TFI
below 2.0. The third phase of the Danish pesticide action plan aims
for a further TFI reduction to 1.7 between 2004-09, although the
Danish Ecological Council has criticised the plan for lacking ambition,
claiming that this level represents economically optimal use, while
TFI could be reduced to 1.4 by 2008, without changes in cropping
or serious economic loss (2).
We surveyed officials in the four countries to get their views on
the most important components of their national programmes, which
do vary considerably. Three clear factors for success unanimously
identified by the three Scandinavian countries were:
• High level awareness among different ministries on the need
for use/risk reduction;
• Extensive advisory service to reach farmers;
• Stricter criteria for authorising pesticides.
Other factors ranked as either a very strong or a definite influence
on successful implementation of the programmes were:
o Setting of quantifiable targets;
o Active stakeholder participation in national plan development;
o Good participation of farmers;
o Mandatory requirements (e.g. farm-level record-keeping, certification
of users).
Denmark and Norway ranked pesticide taxation as a definite influence
factor, while Sweden ranked it a small influence only.
Common factors contributing to difficulties in implementing the
reduction programme were less obvious. Denmark ranked highest a
lack of uptake/interest/cooperation among the farming community,
also noted in Sweden. Sweden ranked as definite difficulties: lack
of resources for agricultural research and extension; lack of independent
information provision to farmers; adverse economic results associated
with reduced use of plant protection products. Norway highlighted
adverse economic results too, and a lack of high-level political
commitment to pesticide reduction.
Sweden was the first Scandinavian country to tax pesticides, in
1985, and it remains the simplest system. The Swedish tax is an
environmental levy of 20 SEK (2 Euros) per kg active substance,
which has been raised to 30 SEK (1st January 2004).
Denmark first introduced taxation in 1992, with a slightly more
sophisticated system based on price. Currently it is 54% of retail
price (excluding VAT) for insecticides and 33% for herbicides, growth
regulators and fungicides. The Danes do not have a banding system
within pesticide group or any correlation with hazard or risk but
the higher tax on insecticides is related to the general lower price
per hectare of this group, so the taxation is a very rough approximation
to a tax on application intensity. This is in line with their emphasis
on treatment frequency in their recent action plans.
Norway first introduced taxation of agricultural pesticides in
1988. The original system was based on a percentage of the import
value of the pesticides. This was changed to a system banded by
health and environmental properties in 1999, as a follow-up to their
national risk reduction action plan for pesticides (1998-2002) with
its emphasis on risk indicators, assessed via a series of scores
for intrinsic hazard and exposure. The change to a banded tax system
reflects the Norwegian desire to reduce the use of pesticides, especially
those with the highest potential risk to human health and the environment.
They hope the higher tax on higher risk pesticides will make the
farmers choose more health and environmentally friendly alternatives,
or at least review the economic thresholds for pesticide treatment.
The three current tax classes for pesticides for professional use
in Norway have the following factors: 1 – 4 – 8. A basic
tax of Norwegian Kroner (NOK) 20 per hectare is given (about 2.4
€). To calculate the tax per hectare for each product, the
basic tax is multiplied with the tax class factor. A pesticide in
tax class 2 (low health and environmental risk) will have a tax
of NOK 20 per hectare (20 x 1 = 20). A pesticide in tax class 4
(high health and environmental risk) will have a tax of NOK 160
per hectare (20 x 8 = 160). If the standard area dose (SAD) of the
examples are 750 ml/hectare, the tax per litre will thus be NOK
26.7 (20 x 1 x 1000/750) and 213,3 (20 x 8 x 1000/750), respectively.
Seed treatment pesticides have a factor of 0.5. Concentrated hobby
products (i.e. for amateur use) have a factor of 50 and ready to
use hobby products have a factor of 150. Norway also raises a standard
levy of NOK 16 per hectare for all pesticides sold, which goes to
cover the costs of testing, control and the registration process.
In each country the tax is paid directly by the agrochemical distributor.
In Norway, this means it is paid by the importer (or by the manufacturer
for the few products produced nationally).
In Denmark Treatment Frequency has been reduced from 2.67 in 1981-85
to 2.10 in 2001-2003 (21% decrease). Impacts in terms of quantitative
reduction in water pollution are difficult, if not impossible to
make. Most pesticides found in Danish groundwater today are, in
fact, active ingredients now banned or with restricted use. However,
glyphosate has been found in groundwater in clay soils, and farmers
are advised not to spray closer than 25 meters from their water
drillings. Danish government and NGO colleagues view taxation as
a contributor to pesticide use reduction, estimated to have reduced
the use of pesticides by 5%.
In contrast, Swedish officials believe their taxation has had minimal
or zero impact on the amount of pesticide used. Data on pesticide
use in Sweden show no overall decrease in the volume of pesticides
used over the period 1991-2002 (3), but farmers increased their
purchases of low-dose pesticides, i.e. those that are biologically
active at very low concentrations per hectare. When analysed in
terms of the number of doses sold, official data shows a definite
increase since 1995, in other words, no reduction in the intensity
of pesticide use. However, the Swedish Farmers Federation argue
that pesticide load on the environment has decreased, from analysis
of pesticide levels in one river studied which decreased significantly
from 1995 (4). The reason they attribute to this reduction is the
concerted effort made by the SFF and others in farmer advice and
training in that region, which led to changes in farmers’
In Norway since the mid-1980s, there has been a steady decrease
in the use of pesticides (measured as tonnes of active ingredients)
to about 50%. The implementation of the new banded tax system in
1999 and a further tax increase in 2000 led to a massive stockpiling
of pesticides in 1998 and partially in 1999, in anticipation of
the taxes to be imposed! The imports in 2000 and 2001 were correspondingly
lower. Because of these large variations, Norwegian officials say
it is too soon to see a clear trend in the amounts imported and
in the risk indicators.
It should be noted that it is extremely difficult to separate out
impact of taxation on pesticide use patterns from other factors
influencing farmers’ purchase and use decisions, either those
forming part of a pesticide reduction programme or those linked
to broader agricultural or market trends.
In terms of revenue raised, Norway’s pesticide tax raises
about NOK 60 million (7.2million euro) a year. About one third of
this is directly routed back through the reduction programme. Denmark
does not provide numerical figures but 75% of tax revenue goes back
to farmers in lower land taxes and the rest is used in pesticide
use reduction programmes and in research into pesticide effects.
In recent years some parts of the Swedish tax revenues have been
used to finance farmer-driven research related to risk reduction.
Danish officials and NGOs highlight the importance of independent
and credible advice for farmers on pesticide reduction and pest,
disease and weed management by the Danish Agricultural Advisory
Service (DAAS). The cost is not quantified, because it is an integral
part of the advisory service, an independent organisation almost
100 years old, which is paid for by the farmers and accountable
to them. DAAS, as part of the pesticide action plan, has set up
innovative farmer training and mentoring groups (5) to assist farmers
to develop pesticide reduction plans at farm level and to use the
TFI system as a planning and monitoring guide for progress in reducing
their consumption of herbicides, fungicides and insecticides on
specific arable crops (6). However, not all Danish farmers make
use of this service and there are considerable challenges for the
new phase of the plan (7).
Farmer advice and training in Norway includes mandatory training
of farmers, development of IPM guidelines and warning services for
specific plant pests and diseases. There has also been an information
campaign on health effects of pesticides.
Swedish farmers are required to attend a 3 day training course and
there is a voluntary programme for testing of spray equipment. Advisory
services include forecasting and warning services, demonstration
trials, information on how to reduce dosage rate, supported by research
on needs-based crop protection, spray techniques and organic methods.
Danish NGOs report that their farmers generally accept pesticide
taxation, although they don’t love it! A key element in persuading
acceptance has been the clearly visible return of 75% directly to
farmers in the form of lower land tax and transparency in the remainder,
which funds action plan programme activities and research. The Danish
Agricultural Advisory Service has worked hard to demonstrate with
concrete figures from on-farm trials the cost savings achieved via
use reduction in specific crops, to convince farmers that using
the higher levels of pesticides applied by farmers in Germany, UK,
and to a lesser extent in Sweden, will not bring them economic benefits.
In Sweden, the reduction programme has the full support of the
Swedish Farmers Federation, to which 80% of farmers are affiliated.
A spokesperson for the SFF explained that understanding farmers’
perceptions is crucial in order to counteract misperceptions or
incorrect information, for example, widely-believed myths that no
Swedish farmer has ever been killed by pesticide poisoning, or that
any pesticide authorised for use by the Swedish regulators is completely
safe (8).
Norwegian farmers have had mandatory certification in pesticide
use since 1997, which must be refreshed every ten years although
farmers can choose to attend refresher courses before then. Inspection
of spray equipment became compulsory in 2001, for a five year period,
and pesticide log books in 1999. Since 2000, the training programme
on good plant protection practice has been intensified and now includes
further information on biology and agronomy, pesticides and alternatives,
spray techniques, Integrated Pest Management guidelines, threshold
values and organic methods. Both Norway and Sweden use the term
“environmental levy” instead of tax. Clear hypothecation
of at least part of the revenue is viewed by Norwegian officials
as very important for stimulating farmers to change their attitude
and practice to more environmentally friendly methods. In 2002,
2.5 million euro equivalent was reimbursed indirectly to Norwegian
farmers via risk reduction programme activities. The farmers associations
have been part of the action plan working group that initiated the
work on a levy system banded by health and environmental risk. The
farmers seem to agree with the principle that higher risk pesticides
should have higher taxes than low risk pesticides.
70% of Norwegian farmers surveyed said that the new tax system has
led to higher costs. This is a result of the fact that the total
tax level has been increased at the same time as the implementation
of the banded system. About 40% of farmers surveyed said that the
banded tax system had made them use pesticides that are less harmful
for human health and the environment. Looking at the area treated
by pesticides in the different tax classes, there appears to be
a reduction in tax class 3 and 4 (medium and high environmental
impact) and an increase in tax class 2 (low), but it is too soon
to draw safe conclusions.
Danish government and NGOs, however, are adamant that their tax
system has only reduced use of pesticides, with zero or only very
low negative economic consequences for farmers. Changes in practice
are use of reduced doses and notably less calendar spraying. Economic
analysis in 2003 studied current crop and pesticide prices and records
of around 2,000 farmers’ application of pesticides during
1999-2003. The research confirmed the intentions of the pesticide
action plan to reduce farmers’ costs, estimating that Danish
farmers will gain an overall benefit of around 13 euros per ha if
they further reduce their application frequency from a TFI of 2.0
to 1.7, a reduction of 15% (9). With 2.5 million ha under arable
crops in Denmark, this is equivalent to a total of 30 million euros
saved in direct costs of farmers.
Denmark has not encountered real difficulties with their tax scheme
but it has been criticised that as an ad valorem tax, it
is lower on cheaper, older pesticides than on newer, more expensive
ones. Likewise, the tax is not related to pesticide hazards. A tax
on Treatment Frequency has been considered, but it was impossible
to implement because a specific pesticide is used at different dose
rates in different crops. The former centre-left government planned
in 2001 to raise the tax, but this was then cancelled by the new
centre-right government. Under the latest action plan target to
reduce TFI to 1.7 in 2009, the government said in 2003 that if this
target is not reached by voluntary means, it will take other measures
to reach it, for example via a higher tax.
Norway continues to revise its tax classification system. A further
refined version of the banded tax system will be used from October
2004. The main objectives to achieve via the changes are:
o A more continuous tax scale. The new system will have three health
and environmental classes (two in the old system), and 5 tax classes
for the pesticides used professionally (3 in the old system);
o An environmental part that takes the sum of environmental load/risk
into account (not just if one threshold value is exceeded). Each
product is given environmental scores based on the following parameters:
risk to earthworms, arthropods, birds and aquatic organisms; leaching
potential; persistence; bioaccumulation potential; and formulation
type. The sum of scores defines the environmental class;
o To differentiate seed treatment pesticides based on potential
health risk;
o To make the tax system and the risk indicators more similar.
PAN Europe demands in PURE (Pesticide Use Reduction in Europe) campaign
include concrete targets and legally-binding measures for pesticide
use reduction (10). Our demands also include financial support for
implementation of Integrated Pest and Integrated Crop Management
and other measures to reduce pesticide use. Part of this funding
could be provided through a pesticides tax but we did not consider
what form this should take.
In its reaction to the Commission Communication Towards a thematic
strategy for the sustainable use of pesticides, the EU Economic
and Social Committee considers a levy on pesticides a sensible way
for funding measures to reduce environmental and health risks, although
recommends the Commission to seek to ensure that non-EU countries
introduce a similar levy in order to avoid distortion in the markets
(11). On the other hand, the Council conclusions asked the Commission
to “consider the potential for economic instruments at all
appropriate levels as one of the means to achieve sustainable use
of pesticides” (12). The European Parliament conclusions were
far more challenging and called on the Commission to “…develop
a regulatory framework for taxes and/or levies on pesticides; the
revenues raised should be used to support conversion to IPM, ICM
and sustainable organic farming methods, education and training,
to raise awareness and to finance research” (13).
In the Extended Impact Assessment entitled “Assessing economic
impacts of the specific measures to be part of the Thematic Strategy
on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides”, the option “introduction
of general use reduction target” was eliminated on the basis
of what PAN Europe considers a superficial and defective evaluation
of the efficiency of the Danish reduction plan. The assessment focussed
almost exclusively on the costs to farmers and other private sectors
of pesticide reduction measures, with very scant mention of benefits
to society in improved health and environment, or of possible economic
benefits to farmers! Although severely criticised by PAN Europe,
the report recognises that introduction of a tax might have good
results for the enhanced protection of water by taxing particular
pesticides that are found above the threshold limit in water resources.
Belgium started recently a Federal Programme for
the Reduction of Pesticide Use in Agriculture and Biocides. The
programme includes a tax on pesticides and biocides with the main
purpose of financing the programme. Based on their impact on health
and environment, the substances are attributed a certain category
of danger. The total number of points depends on the category of
danger multiplied by the quantity of the product sold the previous
year and converted into a contribution. The total value (points
x quantity) of all PPPs and biocides will take into consideration
the total annual budget estimated for the programme worth 500,000
€. The Programme stipulated that a simulation made with data
from 2003 sales should be submitted to the companies holding authorization
permits by the end of 2004 in order to calculate contributions (14).
Until now, we have no information that this process has been completed.
In general, the programme is yet to be implemented. Some meetings
of the National Steering Committee have been held but there is no
implementation of its conclusions or of any of the measures envisaged
in the Federal Programme.
Germany’s Federal Plan for Pesticide Reduction
was approved in March 2005 but doesn’t consider any form of
taxation. The objectives are: reduction of risks associated with
the application, reduction of the Application-Intensity of PPPs
and reduction of the amount of food exceeding Maximum Residue Levels
(MRLs) to less than 1%. The Federal Programme is conducted and supported
by the Central Bureau (Reduction Programme Chemical Plant Protection)
and the Federal Biological Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry
but there will be no additional funds for its execution. Another
drawback is the fact that a key instrument in the Programme –
to strengthen the advisory services – will be progressively
handed to the pesticide industry. Therefore, we do not expect the
Programme will lead to a change in the plant protection system and
the implementation of the precautionary principle.
In Italy, a flat tax of 0,5% was introduced in
January 2000 (Law No 488/99) to all pesticides manufactured and
sold with the following risks: R33 (“with risks of cumulative
effects”), R40 (“limited evidence of carcinogenic effect“,
R45 (“may cause cancer”) and R60 (“may impair
fertility”). In the case of pesticide imports, a flat tax
of 1% over the final price was introduced. The income raised by
this levy is used to develop organic farming and quality products.
Under the Ministry of Finance, the Italian Government created a
“Fund for the development of organic farming and quality products”
in order to finance the following measures under the national and
regional programmes:
a) financing research and experimenting on low environmental impact
b) supporting promotion and information campaigns on organic agriculture,
regional products and PDO (Protected Designation of Origin);
c) producing, revising and publicising the code for good agricultural
However, not all the income raised by the pesticide tax has been
used; 5million EURO was allocated to the national plan for organic
farming but this plan is still to be implemented.
A 1999 study of general environmental taxation in European countries
(15) looked at the Swedish, Danish and Norwegian pesticide taxes
and concluded that they were too low to have much impact on farmer
behaviour, but cautioned that raising the levels significantly could
be politically difficult, might reduce farmers’ income, disadvantage
them competitively or encourage illegal purchase of pesticides in
order to avoid taxation.
While it is true that a flat tax treats all active ingredients the
same whether they cause high or low external costs from environmental
and health damage, the impact of a banded system based on intrinsic
hazard or on estimated environmental damage can be hard to predict
if farmers shift from one product type to another. It may not necessarily
bring about the desired changes if other factors also influence
farmer decisions. A flat tax on volume is certainly not advisable
as this merely encourages a shift from high to low volume products.
There are many uncertainties about the long-term health and environmental
effects of the newer highly-active pesticides used at very low dose,
as well as other products still on the EU market (16). There may
also be trade-offs to consider under a banded system- which should
be prioritised, for example, avoidance of water contamination or
penalising products containing suspected endocrine disruptors?
A flat tax on price is often criticised in that it may result in
farmers shifting to cheaper but more hazardous products. In the
Danish case, many of these older generation products had already
been withdrawn from national markets and officials and NGOs agree
that there is no evidence of a shift towards more hazardous products
by Danish farmers. The importance of the national pesticide action
plan and advisory support to farmers cannot be overemphasised in
this context.
Another study on environmental taxes and charges in the EU (17)
concludes that an important aspect of pesticide charges/taxes has
been their capacity to raise revenue to support national programmes
for pesticide reduction. This has clearly been important in Denmark
and Sweden where some support has been channelled to organic farming.
Both countries now have a significant organic agricultural sector.
PAN Europe also defends that a tax on pesticides should be used
in order to finance alternative pest control systems less dependent
on pesticides such as IPM/ICM and organic farming and is an important
part of any national programme for pesticide reduction.
The key ingredients identified by PAN Europe for successful incorporation
of pesticide taxation for use and risk reduction goals are:
- Clear and direct reimbursement of substantial tax revenue to farmers
and/or advisory services;
- Importance of independent advice on means to reduce use and alternative
strategies for managing pests, weeds and diseases;
- Clear demonstration of economic benefits at farm level of reducing
- Taxation complements a wide range of pesticide reduction measures,
mandatory and voluntary, at farm and national levels;
- Progressive farmer associations need to be involved, with other
stakeholders, in the planning stages of the tax system to ensure
a minimum level of acceptance.
These issues of transparency; clear hypothecation of revenue; serious
political commitment to an ambitious programme for reducing pesticide
use and dependency; energetic promotion of independent advice for
farmers; and convincing stakeholders, particularly farmers, of the
economic benefits as well as the costs of such a programme, must
be addressed in any discussion of introduction of a pesticide tax
at the Member State level.
This briefing is based on PAN Europe’s survey work on pesticide
reduction programmes in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Netherlands
(1) and responses to a separate questionnaire sent to collaborators
in Denmark, Sweden and Norway. In Norway we would like to thank
Erlend Spikkerud in the Pesticides Division of the Norwegian Food
Safety Authority and in Sweden, Peter Bergkvist of the National
Chemicals Inspectorate (KEMI) for information provided. Updates
on the Danish situation were provided by Hans Nielsen (Danish Ecological
Council and PAN Europe Board member). Information on the Belgian
and German Federal Programmes was provided by PAN Europe Belgian,
German and Italian members. Unless otherwise referenced, factual
information presented in this report is from the above sources.
1. Pesticide use reduction is working:
An assessment of national reduction strategies in Denmark, Sweden,
the Netherlands and Norway. PAN Europe, London, February 2004, 19pp.
Available at
2. New Danish Pesticide Action Plan 2004-09, PAN Europe Newsletter
16 June-December 2003, p.3. Available at
3. Annual sales data on pesticides provided by EU Member States,
Eurostat, Luxembourg, 2004.
4. How to involve farmers in pesticide use reduction. Jan Eksvärd,
Federation of Swedish Farmers. In Reducing Pesticide Dependency
in Europe to protect Health, Environment and Biodiversity, proceedings
of the PAN Europe policy conference held 20 November 2003 in Copenhagen,
Denmark, PAN Europe, London, 2004, pp 54-55. Available at
5. The Transition to Safe Pest Management in Industrialised Agricultural
Systems. Stephanie Williamson and David Buffin. In: The Pesticide
Detox: Solutions for Safe Agriculture, Ed. J Pretty, Earthscan,
London (in press).
6. Working with Danish farmers for pesticide use reduction, Poul
Henning Peterson, Danish Agricultural Advisory Service. In: Report
of the Network Conference 2003 Capacity-building and Action Planning
for PURE, 21-22 November, Ishøj, Denmark, PAN Europe, London,
2004. pp.19-20. (Available at
7. Danish farmers in plan to cut pesticide use, Pesticides News
63 p.10, 2004.
8. Eksvärd, op.cit. 4
9. Denmark confirms further pesticide reduction can benefit farmers.
PAN Europe Newsletter no.17 January-April 2004, pp.3-4. Available
10. Suggested text for a Directive of the European Parliament and
of the Council on measures for reduction of use and of impacts to
health and environment from pesticides. 3rd edition, PAN Europe,
London, 2003. Available at
11. Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the
Commission Communication Towards a Thematic Strategy for the Sustainable
Use of Pesticides, NAT/156, 23 January 2003.
12. Sustainable Use of Pesticides – Council Conclusions, 2473rd
Council Meeting Environment, Brussels 9 December 2002.
13. Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy,
Report Towards a thematic strategy on the sustainable use of pesticides,
3 March 2003.
14. Programme Federal de Reduction des Pesticides a Usage Agricole
et des Biocides en Belgique.
15. Study on the economic and environmental implications of the
use of environmental taxes and charges in the EU and its member
states. Ecotec, Birmingham, 2001.
16. Hundreds of hazardous pesticides are still approved in Europe.
Catherine Wattiez and François Veillerette, Pesticides News
65 p.10, 2004.
17. Study on Environmental Taxes and Charges in the EU, ECOTEC in
association with CESAM, CLM, University of Gothemburg, UCD and IEEP