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2010 PAN Europe establish an ASBL in Brussels
Rue de la pépinière, 1
B - 1000 Brussels
tel: + 32 2 503 08 37
fax + 32 2 402 30 42
2007 PAN Europe works to inform European Politicians of the need for better EU pesticides legislation. On 23 October the European Parliament votes to support many positive amendments to draft EU pesticide legislation. PAN Europe conducts its first food testing initiative in partnership with Dutch NGO Milieudefensie.
2006 The European Commission publishes proposals new legislation on pesticides. PAN Europe opens an office in Brussels from which to coordinate engagement with EU policy makers.
2003 PAN Europe is formally established as a UK-based not-for-profit organisation.
2002 Campaigners based at various European NGOs come together to prepare a draft Directive on pesticide use. The document gains the support of 91 European organisations before being formally delivered to the European Commission.

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