PAN EuropeNews


PAN Europe in the news

L’Europe perturbée par les hormones (25/05/2015. Le Monde)

EU-Chemikalienregulierung: Wie die Industrie in Brüssel ihren Willen bekommt (20/05/2015, Der Spiegel)

Hoe in Brussel bedrijfsbelangen het van milieu en gezondheid winnen (20/05/2014, De Correspondent)

Pesticide Free Towns (07/05/2015, Health and Environment Alliance)

Europees evenement over pesticidenvrije steden en gemeenten op 8 juni (15/05/2015, CAPLO Nieuws)

'Europese Commissie liep blindelings in de val van de industrie' (08/04/2015, Mondiaal Nieuws)

Controversy over EU claim of safe pesticide exposure (12/03/2015, ENDS Europe DAILY)

97% of pesticide levels in Europe's food legal, says EU agency (13/03/2015, EurActive)

Over 97% of EU food meets pesticide limits (12/03/2015, Agrafacts)

Interview on Radio France (12/03/2015)

Strawberries top list of pesticide-laced food: EU report (12/03/2015, Reuters)

'Suppressed' EU report could have banned pesticides worth billions (02/02/2015, The Guardian)

Stricter licensing planned for 77 pesticides (28/01/2015, ENDS Europe)

Few pesticides likely to fall foul of EDC criteria – study (21/01/2015, ENDS Europe)

Pesticides: les associations fustigent la feuille de route européenne (21/01/2015, Journal de l'environment)

Perturbateurs endocriniens La Commission doit revoir sa feuille de route (Générations Futures et Pan Europe) (20/01/2015, La France Agricole)

Court overturns access to environmental justice ruling (13/01/2015, ENDS Europe)

Dispute over TTC approach continues at Efsa/WHO meeting (08/01/2015, ChemicalWatch)

EU wants new approach on pesticide residues in TTIP (07/01/2015, ENDS Europe)

Anti-pesticide NGO slams maize pest plea (17/11/2014, AGRA FACTS)

Risk assessment's insensitive toxicity testing may cause it to fail (11/2014, Environmental Research)

¿Pesticidas o 'cienci-cidas'? (05/10/2014, Destrella digital)

Déballer le paquet pesticides (21/09/204, Le Monde)

DG Sanco to assume responsibility for EDC criteria (18/09/2014, ChemicalWatch)

Study questions EU pesticide approval process (18/09/2014, ENDS Europe DAILY)

Pesticides: quand les BPL nuisent à l’évaluation (17/09/2014, Journal de l'environnement)

Les rapports indépendants ne sont pas pris en compte (17/09/2014, La France Agricole)

La toxicité des pesticides sous-évaluée (17/09/2014, france 5)

"On sous-estime de 2 à 1 500 fois la toxicité des pesticides" (17/09/2014, radio france inter)

Review finds weaknesses in national pesticide plans (28/08/2014, ENDS Europe)

TTIP: already disrupting Europe’s precautionary principle? (10/08/2014, arc 2020)

EU Lays Out 'Endocrine Disruptor' Criteria Options, Setting Stage For Fight (24/07/2014, Inside U.S. Trade)

Under Industry Pressure In TTIP, EU Weighs Shift On Pesticides Regulation (24/07/2014, Inside U.S. Trade)

Définition des perturbateurs endocriniens : une course contre la montre? (20/06/2014, Actu-Environnement)

Endocrine disruptors: Commission exploring four scenarios (19/06/2014, EUROPOLITICS)

Chemical industry welcomes EU EDC roadmap (18/06/2014, Chemical Watch)

Europe’s ‘Green Capitals’ set to get greener from 2017 (09/06/2014, EU Reporter)

EFSA slammed by Pesticide Action Network over its methods (28/05/2014, arc 2020)

EU Safety Institutions Caught Plotting an Industry "Escape Route" Around Looming Pesticide Ban (28/05/2014, Truthout)

Metam-natrium wordt verboden (27/05/2014, NOS)

France presents its draft strategy on EDCs (29/04/2014, EndsEurope)

TTC: EFSA found guilty of maladministration (02/04/2014, Food Packing Forum)

European ombudsman points to "maladministration" by EFSA (31/03/2014, EuroPolitics)

EFSA guilty of 'maladministration' (31/03/2014, The Parliament)

EFSA response to ombudsman's decision on PAN Europe (31/03/2014, Ends Europe)

A pest management toolbox to reduce pesticide use (28/03/2014, CommNet)

Pesticide Action Network Europe urges further action from Commission (28-03-2014, EU Reporter)

Pesticides use in ecological focus areas: Delegated acts of CAP reform move responsibility to member states (12/03/2014, EU Reporter)

Appels en peren optellen (22/02/2014, NRC Handelsblad)

Bedrijfsleven saboteert voedselveiligheid (14/02/2014, Telegraaf)

Opinion: How industry tries to water down risk assessment of pesticide mixtures in everyday food (14/02/2014, EU Reporter)

Milieuorganisatie: Bedrijfsleven saboteert voedselveiligheid (14/02/2014. Dagblad Trouw)

Wat zit er nog meer in die aardbei? (14/02/2014. Dagblad Trouw)

Pesticides: des experts à la botte de l'industrie (12/04/2014, Charlie Hebdo)

Food industry accused of 'massive infiltration' of EFSA pesticides panel (10/2/2014, Parliament Magazine)

EFSA accused of public health failure over cumulative chemical hazards (07/02/2014, EU Food Policy)

Des conflits d’intérêt gangrènent l’évaluation des effets des pesticides (05/02/2014, Journal de l'environment)

Pesticides : une ONG dénonce des conflits d'intérêt au sein de l'Efsa et de l'OMS (05/02/2014, Actu-environment)

PAN Europe on the RTBF - National Belgian TV Consumers Show "On n'est pas des pigeons", part on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and the Disrupting Food Consumer Guide (17/12/2013).

Recruit active, publishing scientists, EFSA told (22/11/2013, EU Food Policy)

Pflanzenschutz Noch mehr Gift für Bienen? (12/2013, Beobachter Natur)

Accused of Harming Bees, Bayer Researches a Different Culprit (11/12/2013, New York Times)

NGO going to court over neonicotinoids review (23/10/2013)

Insults hurled as EFSA transparency initiative kicks off (10/10/2013)

Pesticides licensing in ‘race to the bottom’ (26/09/2013)

Heated chemicals debate continues with open letter to EU chief scientist (23/07/2013)

EU targets another insecticide linked to decline in bee population (18/07/2013)

PAN Europe denounces pesticides provision (16/09/2013, EU Reporter)

EU Agency to test pesticides' cumulative risk (15/07/2013)

European Commission endorses EFSA EDC opinion (09/07/2013)

Commission backs EFSA's definition of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (05/07/2013)

Member states outline plans to cut pesticide use (24/06/2013)

MEP calls for parliamentary risk panel to tame green ‘scaremongering’ (13/06/2013)

Générations Futures réclame le retrait de « l'ensemble des néonicotinoïdes (06/06/2013)

Alertes aux insecticides et aux neonicotinoides dans nos aliments! French Radio (05/06/2013)

La restriction de 3 pesticides en UE ne suffit pas, selon Générations Futures (05/06/2013)

Nous mangeons tous des néonicotinoïdes (05/06/2013)

Martin Dermine, our Bees Project Officer, on the Belgian National Television, 13.00 News (at the 24th minute) (29/05/2013)

EU plans for EDC testing programme remain unclear (22/05/2013)

EU pesticides ban "too little, too slow" (29/04/2013)

BASF’s university job sparks green fury over biased science (05/06/2013)

Opnieuw discussie over financiering 'Wageningen' (06/05/2013)

'Wageningen' geeft onafhankelijkheid weg aan industrie (05/05/2013)

Our Bees Project Officer Martin Dermine- Le Bar de l'Europe - TV5Monde (27/04/2013, French speaking TV Channel)

EC pushes through major pesticide restriction (29/04/2013)

Schippers: neonicotinoïden geen risco voor mens bij correct gebruik (09/07/2013)

NGO complains to EU Commission about Efsa EDC opinion

Pesticide industry and NGO clash over EFSA definition of endocrine disruptors (08/04/2013).
Read PAN Europe's Letter to Commissioner Borg concerning EFSA definition of endocrine disruptors

Systematic assessment of EDCs some way off (04/04/2013)

Le Parlement européen veut lutter contre les perturbateurs endocriniens (4/04/2013)

PAN Europe on EDCs – Belgian National Radio (Podcast – 03/04/2013)

National Belgian Radio - Le dossier interactif : Des abeilles et des hommes. Interview Martin Dermine, Bees Project Officer PAN Europe (Podcast - 29/03/2013)

Swedish minister wants tougher EU limits on chemicals (28/03/2013)

EFSA paves way for regulating endocrine disruptors in food (21/03/2013)

On the same topic, in Le Monde

EFSA’s EDC opinion reopens hazard versus risk debate (22/03/2013)

Conflicts of interest at the European Food Safety Authority erode public confidence (08/03/2013)

NGO slams “unrealistic” pesticide report (07/03/2013)

It's official: pesticides are killing bees (06/02/2013)

Seed treatment poses a risk to Europe's bee population (17/01/2013)

Conflit d’intérêts : la récidive de l’EFSA (14/12/2012)

Bisphénol A, phtalates... soupçons d'ingérence industrielle à Bruxelles (13/12/2012)

Fertilité masculine : les dangers avérés des perturbateurs endocriniens (05/12/2012)

GLOBAL 2000 fordert Verbot von hormonell wirksamen Pestiziden durch Minister Berlakovich (17/08/2012)

Alimentos como la lechuga o los tomates contienen hasta 30 tóxicos diferentes (18/07/2012)

NGO highlights EDC residues in EU fruits, vegetables (05/06/2012)

Parliament clears final hurdle 13 January 2009
The Parliament: EU parliament backs pesticide regulations (13 January)
Euractiv: Parliament seals pesticides deal amid opposition (13 January) - link to article in French
EU Observer: Toxic pesticides banned in Europe (13 January)
BBC Radio 4 - Farming Today: Interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator, PAN Europe (17 January)
Nature: Europe set to crack down on pesticides (16 January)
BBC Radio 4 - Farming Today: Interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator, PAN Europe (14 January)
BBC TV 1: Interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator, PAN Europe (13 January)
BBC Radio 4 - PM News: Interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator, PAN Europe (13 January)
BBC Radio 4 - 6 o’clock News: Interview with Nick Mole, Policy Officer, PAN UK (13 January)
BBC online: Balance elusive in EU pesticide debate (12 January)
France 24: EU Parliament pushes for ban on toxic chemicals (13 January)
Le Monde: Le Parlement européen bannit 22 substances pesticides dangereuses (13 January)
Nouvel Obs: Les eurodéputés bannissent les pesticides les plus dangereux (13 January)
De Volkskrant: Voorkomen is nog steeds beter dan genezen (24 January)
VARA - vroege Vogels: Interview with Hans Muilerman, Natuur en Milieu and PAN Europe board member (18 January)
Tageblatt: Les eurodéputés bannissent les pesticides les plus dangereux dans l'UE (13 January 2009)
Ceské Televize: EU zakáže nebezpečné pesticidy (13 January)
IHT: European Parliament passes pesticides bill (13 January)
Yahoo: European Parliament passes pesticides bill (13 January)
Guardian: European Parliament passes pesticides bill (13 January)

Pesticides in grapes: unsafe, illegal and unauthorised 24 November 2008

Radio Due (RAI, Channel 2) il Ruggito del Coniglio (27 November)
Le Parisien: Des pesticides dans les raisins (25 November)
L'Express: Des raisins bourrés de pesticides! (25 November)
Telenord la televisione della Liguria: Pesticidi (24 November)
Le Monde: Des résidus de pesticides interdits dans du raisin (24 November)

BBC Radio 4 - Farming Today: Elliott Cannell, Coordinator of PAN Europe and Jim Mclaren of NFU Scotland discuss the future of UK pesticides legislation (22 November)

Information: Stærk lobbyisme betyder flere pesticider (7 Novmember)

NFU warning over EU Regulation 1 November 2008

BBC Breakfast: Interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator, PAN Europe (1 November)
BBC News: Pesticide ban 'threat to farming' (1 November)

Highest ever levels of pesticides in foods 15 October 2008

Sunday Herald: Record level of pesticides on fruit and veg (26 October)
Farmers Weekly: Pesticide industry defends its record (21 October)
Európa Rádió: A report in “Svédasztal” (17 October)
RTBF TV: Interview with Valérie Xhonneux, Inter Environnement Wallonie (16 October)
RTL TV1: Interview with Valérie Xhonneux, Inter Environnement Wallonie (16 October)
Europe 1: De plus en plus de pesticides dans les fruits, légumes et céréales (16 October) Interview with François Veillerette, President of MDRGF
LCI: Alimentation: Toujours plus de pesticides dans nos fruits et légumes (16 October) Interview of Aurèle Clemencin, Campaigner at MDRGF
BBC Radio 4, Farming Today: Interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator, PAN Europe (16 October)
Politiken: Mere sprøjtegift i EU-grøntsager e (16 October) Európában mérgezhet az élelmiszer (16 October)
24 Rakotvorni pesticidi v hrani (16 October)
Zurnal24: Rim gori, senat pa razpravlja (16 October)
France Info: Les pesticides gagnent de plus en plus nos assiettes (15 October) Interview with François Veillerette, President of MDRGF
Agrarisch Dagblad: Groente, fruit en graan bevat meer residuen (15 October)

BBC Politics Show: Interview with Elliott Cannell (12 October)

New standards on pesticides violate food safety 28 August 2008

Slovak National Radio: 'New EU limits for pesticides' (18 September)
Interview with Daniel Lesinsky, CEPTA (PAN Europe board member)
Slovenian Press Agency: Nova pravila EU o ostankih pesticidov v hrani in krmi (1 September)
Liberation: Alerte aux pesticides dans les aliments (1 September)
Corriere della sera Radio: Interview with Francesco Ferrante, Legambiente (29 August)
TFI: Plus de pesticides dans nos aliments? (28 August)
Interview with Francois Veillerette, President of MDRGF (PAN Europe board member) Des ONG inquiètes (28 August)
Interview with Francois Veillerette, President of MDRGF (PAN Europe board member)
Ózd Városi TV: Interview with Janos Pal, Levego Munkacsoport (28 August)
Tageblatt: Pesticides dans les aliments: des ONG tirent la sonnette d'alarme (28 August)

BBC South East: Interview with Elliott Cannell (14 August)

European Voice: Pointing the finger at pesticides (31 July)

UK government lobbies to keep hazardous pesticides on the menu 2 July 2008

The Economist: A balance of risk (4 July)
BBC Radio 4 - The Today Programme: EU rules could 'reduce UK crops' (3 July)
Dr Ian Denholm of Rothamsted Research Institute and Elliott Cannell from Pesticide Action Network debate the issue
BBC Radio 4 - Farming Today: Radio interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator of PAN Europe (2 July)
BBC Radio Humberside: Radio interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator of PAN Europe (2 July)

Ministers approve pesticide blacklist 23 May 2008

Chemistry World: EU pesticide threat (25 June)
BBC Radio 4: Radio interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator of PAN Europe (2 July)

Commission comes out fighting 19 May 2008

Euractiv: Pesticides: EU remains divided on substances

Eliminating the worst pesticide residues from the food chain 15 May 2008

BBC Radio 4: Radio interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator of PAN Europe

European wines systematically contaminated 26 March 2008

Sueddeutsche Zeitung: Verseuchte Tropfen
International Herald Tribune: NGO study: Pesticides found in EU wines
BBC Radio 4: Radio interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator of PAN Europe
Agora Vox: Televised interview with Francois Veillerette, Director of PAN Europe
La Press (Canada): Le Vin Contaminé par des Résidus de Pesticides
SABC: Radio interview with Elliott Cannell, Coordinator of PAN Europe
Daily Telegraph (Australia): EU wine contaminated with pesticides
Die Berger: Gifstowwe in SA wyn

PAN Europe condemns 'corporate cowboys' 5 February 2008

Hazardous Pesticides in the European Parliament 10 October 2007

Spiegel: Gift-Obst für EU-Parlamentarier
France 2: Televised interview with Grazia Cioci, a spokesperson for PAN Europe
Europe 1: Des pesticides dans les fruits européens
Die Presse: EU-Parlament entschärft Pestizid-Verbot (23 October)
Euractiv: Pesticides: groups raise pressure ahead of EP vote
Viva: 14 pesticides sur les fraises!
Que Chosir: Des fruits européens contaminés (12 October)

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