Pesticide Use Reduction Strategies in Europe: six success stories

United Kingdom

Pesticide Use Reduction
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DENMARK: National Pesticide Use Reduced by 50%

In 1986 Danish politicians established a national ‘Pesticide Action Plan’ aimed at achieving a 50% reduction in pesticide use. The Government introduced market incentives to encourage low pesticide farming and financed a comprehensive advisory service to work with farmers in using pesticides more effectively.

Twenty years on the results are remarkable: Denmark’s farmers now use half as much pesticides as they did 20 years ago; Danish vegetables are six times less contaminated than their equivalent imports; water quality has doubled; and without significant economic impact to farmers.

The Danes attribute their success to a combination of instruments including clear targets and indicators, a parallel revision programme of all substances in the Danish market, buffer zones for the protection of water resources, and mandatory record keeping. Farmers are supported by a comprehensive independent training system.