CAP reform and EU’s dependency on pesticides
Article (December 2013)
The CAP reform will not be able to reduce EU’s dependency on pesticides, but the battle is still only at the beginning.
Time to act - Diabrotica and Crop Rotation
Article (November 2013)
Time for the EU to show leadership on the concept of smart, inclusive and sustainable growth. The Case of Corn Rootworm Borer.
Bees Disappearance issue
Article (November 2013)
Do the EU Member States act?
Article (November 2013)
Counteract the rising needless use.
The Raucq Farm
Article (November 2013)
Visit to a Belgian Organic Farm.
Illegal HCB and DDT waste storage
Article (October 2013)
In Gdansk, Poland
Crop rotation
Article (August 2013)
The forgotten practice in European Agriculture.
Is the Pesticide Industry really serious about their slogan
Briefing (June 2013)
Time to Change: Accepting the challenge.