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National Action Plans, Integrated Pest Management and the Common Agricultural Policy

PAN Workshop
21-22 January 2009 in Brussels

National Action Plans and European Guidelines on integrated pest management

Overview from Paul Speight deputy in DG ENVI: Framework directive on the sustainable use of pesticides - What is new for Member States and stakeholders?

National Action Plans
The Danish experience, by Lise Nistrup Jørgensen (University of Aarhus)
The German NAP, by Susan Haffmann (PAN Germany)
The UK NAP, by Nick Mole (PAN UK)
The Polish NAP by Marek Pyc (Polski Klub Ekologiczny)

Highlighting the best experiences in MS, from which PAN plan to develop a European NAP model to promote in member states

Integrated Pest Management
What guidelines do Europe needs? – Contributions of a project funded by DG ENV’ by Alexandra Polcher (BiPRO)
IPM guidelines in the Netherlands (state/supermarket rules) by Hans Muilerman (Stichting Natuur en Milieu)
IPM guidelines in Emilia Romagna by Tiziano Galassi (region of Emilia Romagnia)
IPM experiences from Denmark by Lise Nistrup Jørgensen (University of Aarhus)
How to bridge the gap between farmers and NGOs by Jan Buurma (Wageningen University)

Summary by Hans, highlighting the best experiences in MS, from which PAN will develop a recommendation for where European guidance is needed

NAPs, IPM and CAP – how are they linked?

CAP and Health Goals: Can the CAP help to encourage substitution for safer pesticide alternatives? by Horacio Cappellaro, responsible for sanitary matters in DG AGRI
How the Swiss agricultural policy promotes Integrated Pest Management: - part 1, - part 2, by Fabio Cerutti, responsible for pesticides Swiss ministry of health
The CAP and a knowledge based approach to EU agriculture by Mark Cropper, European Commission, responsible for research in DG AGRI
How can research contribute to the mainstreaming of IPM? By Marco Barzman INRA and ENDURE

Exchange of views on ways forward on linking CAP, IPM and NAPs

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