PAN Europe in the news

2022-06-22 Commission targets 50% cut in pesticide use by 2030 EU ENDS Europe
2022-06-22 EU Commission proposes cutting pesticides by half by 2030 The Irish Exami...
2022-06-22 EU Commission proposes measures to limit use of pesticides and create Natur... Jurist
2022-06-13 Organic movement pushes for better pesticide reduction indicator Eurofruit
2022-06-04 News in brief: ‘Hot air is killing us,’ warns UN chief EU ENDS Europe
2022-06-03 Parliament, Council seal provisional deal on agricultural statistics reform EU Euractiv
2022-05-25 Fruitmand vol pesticiden Editie-NL
2022-05-24 Les résidus de pesticides sur les fruits vendus dans l'UE en hausse, s... France Le Figaro
2022-05-24 Près d’un tiers des fruits produits en Europe sont contaminés par des pesti... France Le Monde
2022-05-24 European fruit with traces of most toxic pesticides ‘up 53% in nine years’ UK The Guardian
2022-05-13 Tovább csúszhat a glifozát betiltása Greendex
2022-05-13 Zöld hét 2022/19Egyre mérgesebb a környezetünk Greenfo
2022-05-12 Glyphosate authorisation set for extension as EU agencies postpone decision EU ENDS Europe
2022-05-11 EU agencies push back glyphosate assessment to mid-2023 EU Euractiv
2022-05-11 Halogatja az EU a valószínűleg rákkeltő glifozát betiltását 444
2022-05-04 En 10 ans, les ventes de pesticides ont augmenté dans plusieurs États membr... Agence Europe
2022-05-03 EU pesticides sales stable in the past ten years EU ENDS Europe
2022-04-08 Ue divisa sul Sulfoxaflor, salta il divieto del pesticida pericoloso per le... AgriFoodToday
2022-03-29 ClientEarth to use new Aarhus rights in fisheries challenge EU ENDS Europe
2022-03-10 Europe needs drastic pesticide reduction Social Europe
2022-03-01 Draft pesticides law must be strengthened, say green groups EU ENDS Europe
2022-02-08 Commission’s leaked plans on integrated pest management slammed as too weak EU Euractiv
2022-02-04 Leak: Draft pesticides regulation angers campaigners EU ENDS Europe
2022-02-04 EFSA recommendations ‘support more harm’ to wild bee populations EU ENDS Europe
2022-02-03 L’Europe a besoin de données fiables pour réduire l’usage des pesticides Belgium La Libre
2022-02-03 Member states accused of sabotaging plans to cut pesticide use EU ENDS Europe
2022-02-03 Jak Rada Europejska torpeduje kluczowe przepisy? Nadciągają czarne chmury n... Hipoalergiczni
2022-02-02 Commission et États membres n'en font pas assez pour réduire l'ut... Agence Europe
2022-02-02 Pesticides : les objectifs du Pacte vert européen sont menacés France Le Monde
2022-02-02 Abeilles et pesticides : un taux de mortalité « acceptable » proposé France Le Monde
2022-02-02 Commission threatened with legal action over pesticide approvals EU ENDS Europe
2022-01-10 Harmful pesticides found in Italian food EU ENDS Europe
2021-06-22 Jak usunąć pestycydy z warzyw i owoców? Kuchnia
2021-06-11 Pesticides : l’ONG PAN Europe dénonce une nouvelle fois les manquements de... Agra Europe
2021-06-11 Pittig: Binnen Vivaldi stelt Ecolo een parlementaire vraag over lobbyisten... Business AM
2021-06-10 En Belgique, 23% est un taux de mortalité acceptable pour les abeilles expo...
2021-06-10 La Belgique accepte que 23% des abeilles meurent à cause des pesticides, dé... Belgium RTBF
2021-06-09 I 12 pesticidi nocivi autorizzati dall’Efsa che da 15 anni mettono a rischi... Italy Green Me
2021-06-09 Un ex-lobbyiste des pesticides au cabinet Clarinval Belgium Le Soir
2021-06-09 L’Union européenne autorise toujours des pesticides dangereux sur son sol Vert
2021-06-08 Long-time authorized pesticides in potentially dangerous Europe? Press Form
2021-06-07 Pesticides : l’Autorité européenne de sécurité des aliments accusée de laxi... Belgium La Libre Belgiq...
2021-06-07 Un rapport du Pesticide Action Network dénonce des autorisations dangereuse... Contexte
2021-06-07 L’EFSA à nouveau accusée de conflits d’intérêts dans le dossier des pestici... Heidi News
2021-06-07 Pesticidi: ong Pan attacca Efsa, serve interessi industria Trentino
2021-06-07 Une ONG pointe du doigt 12 pesticides particulièrement nocifs toujours auto... France La Depeche
2021-06-07 Des pesticides toxiques autorisés en Europe : un rapport pointe les carence... France Le Monde
2021-06-07 Des pesticides autorisés de longue date en Europe potentiellement dangereux... Capital
2021-06-07 Ambientalisti contro l’Efsa, che replica: accuse infondate Edizioni L...
2021-06-07 Pesticidi, un rapporto dell'ONG PAN Europe mette in dubbio l'indi... EU News
2021-06-07 12 pesticidi tossici autorizzati in 15 anni: così l’Efsa non protegge la sa... Italy Il Salvagente
2021-06-07 EFSA under renewed fire over pesticide approval role EU ENDS Europe
2021-06-07 L'EFSA a autorisé douze pesticides potentiellement cancérigènes, dénon... Agence Europe
2021-05-12 Bayer verliest bijengifzaak bij Europees Hof Animals Today
2021-05-11 EU Court of justice rejects Bayer attempt to overturn bee-killing pesticide... Irish Tech News
2021-05-07 Stop definitivo in Europa a 3 pesticidi neonicotinoidi di Bayer Italy Rinnovabili
2021-05-07 European Commission was right to ban dangerous pesticides Environment Jou...
2021-05-07 EU high court confirms ban on bee-harming neonicotinoid pesticides ZME Science
2021-05-06 EuGH gibt Kommission bei Verbot von Pestiziden Recht Euractiv
2021-05-06 Néonicotinoïdes : la justice européenne valide définitivement les interdict... France Actu Environnem...
2021-05-06 EU Court backs Commission’s ban on controversial neonicotinoid pesticides Euractiv
2021-05-06 Bayer Loses Bid To Lift EU Pesticide Ban Over Harm To Bees Law 360
2021-05-06 La corte de la UE refrenda la prohibición de tres pesticidas que están detr... RTVE
2021-05-06 Bayer vangt bot, het verbod op bijengif blijft bestaan Netherlands Dagblad Trouw
2021-04-15 Pesticidas en tu comida: acelgas, lechugas, kale, arándanos, apio... bajo s... El Mundo
2021-04-08 Pesticidi, una guida svela quali sono gli ortaggi da bollino rosso, giallo... Italy LifeGate
2021-03-28 Pesticidi minacciano api anche in Abruzzo, Giovani di Montazzoli chiedono m...
2021-03-25 Quale frutta e verdura ha più pesticidi che minacciano i tuoi ormoni? La Gu...
2021-03-23 I Giovani di Montazzoli si schierano contro i pesticidi Virtù Quotidian...
2021-03-20 Da Montazzoli un coro di voci contro i pesticidi per salvare le api
2021-03-03 Pestizidrückstände auf öffentlichen Plätzen ganzjährig nachweisbar Der Standard
2021-03-02 Forscher fanden ganzjährigen Pestizideintrag auf öffentlichen Flächen Studium
2021-03-02 32 Pestizide auf öffentlichen Flächen gefunden ORF Science
2021-03-01 Topul legumelor și fructelor tratate cu pesticide Ziarul Evenimen...
2021-01-19 Commission considers ‘flexible systems’ for sustainable food production EU ENDS Europe
2020-12-07 L’Ombudsman dell’Ue chiede più trasparenza sui pesticidi Italy Cambia La Terra
2020-12-06 L’Europa si divide sulla riduzione dell’uso dei pesticidi Italy Il Salvagente
2020-12-04 Rückstandsuntersuchungen von Greenpeace und PAN Europe
2020-12-03 Autorisation des pesticides: Bruxelles de nouveau tancée Journaldelenvir...
2020-12-03 EU Ombudsman slams pesticide approval practices EU ENDS Europe
2020-12-03 EU Commission pesticide approval procedure under fire from EU watchdog Euractiv
2020-11-17 Esportiamo i pesticidi, e poi ce li ritroviamo nel piatto: la stampa intern... Italy Il Fatto Quotid...
2020-11-11 Il faut en finir avec l’exportation de pesticides toxiques ! TRIBUNE
2020-11-06 EU urged to stop export of toxic pesticides to third countries EU EU Observer
2020-11-06 70 ong denunciano il doppio standard dell’UE sui pesticidi Italy Rinnovabili
2020-11-06 Pesticidi, l’Europa blocchi l’importazione di quelli vietati Italy Il Salvagente
2020-11-06 Green groups demand crack-down on banned pesticides EU ENDS Europe
2020-11-03 Commission defends pesticides approval process following inquiry EU ENDS Europe
2020-11-03 Retirez la PAC : lettre ouverte à la Présidente de la Commission Européenne
2020-10-28 Vers la suspension des exportations des pesticides interdits dans l’UE ? Euractiv
2020-10-27 Commission to consider halting export of banned pesticides, EU source says Euractiv
2020-10-14 L'insecticide tueur d'abeilles autorisé en 2021? Belgium L'Avenir
2020-10-14 Nouveau bras de fer autour des néonicotinoïdes Belgium La Libre Belgiq...
2020-10-12 Member states reserve right to ban pesticides authorised in EU, rules EU co... Euractiv
2020-10-12 Agriculture and chemical giants lobby to weaken European Green Deal Unearthed
2020-10-09 Campaigners call on EU to halt export of banned pesticides Euractiv
2020-10-05 Eurofile: Politics have been parked over Brexit The
2020-10-04 ENVI MEPs will block any Commission proposal that lowers bee protection AGRA FACTS
2020-10-02 MEPs vow to fight lowering of bee-protection standards EU EU Observer
2020-10-02 MEPs grill Commission and EFSA over bee protection EU ENDS Europe

© Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe), Rue de la Pacification 67, 1000, Brussels, Belgium, Tel. +32 2 318 62 55

Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe) gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the European Union, European Commission, DG Environment, LIFE programme. Sole responsibility for this publication lies with the authors and the funders are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.