PAN Europe in the news

2025-03-27 Instan a Bruselas a prohibir exportación de pesticidas prohibidos en UE a t... Spain QuéPasa
2025-03-26 Ces fruits et légumes en France contiennent des résidus de pesticides dange... France Open 6eme Sens
2025-03-25 EU agrees to ban herbicide flufenacet due to its toxicity Ireland Agriland
2025-03-24 Pesticidi, il nuovo studio: contaminano più lontano di quanto si credesse Italy Il Salvagente
2025-03-24 I pesticidi si diffondono ben oltre i campi: lo studio che dimostra come ar... Italy Green Me
2025-03-23 « Faire taire les ONG ne fera pas disparaître la crise écologique » France Le Monde
2025-03-22 Une bonne nouvelle venue d’Europe pour l’eau France Le Parisien
2025-03-22 Organizaciones piden a España que deje de vender al extranjero plaguicidas... Spain La Razon
2025-03-21 España exportó 17.000 toneladas de plaguicidas prohibidos en UE en 2023, se... Argentina Infobae
2025-03-21 Beyond pesticides: the silent spread of PFAS in agriculture EU Euractiv
2025-03-21 España debe prohibir sus exportaciones de plaguicidas prohibido Spain Confederacion S...
2025-03-19 Agricoltura: l’UE approva il divieto del pesticida PFAS flufenacet Italy Vez
2025-03-19 Interdiction historique du flufénacet dans l’UE, un pesticide perturbateur... Morocco AgriMaroc
2025-03-19 ‘End of a disastrous policy’: Romanian court suspends exemptions for pestic... EU ENDS Europe
2025-03-19 Uždraus dar vieną pesticidų veikliąją medžiagą – grūdininkams kovoti su... Lithuania Ukininko Patare...
2025-03-19 PFAS-ämne förbjuds: ”Viktigt första steg” Sweden Syre
2025-03-17 L’interdiction du flufénacet validée Belgium Le Sillon Belge
2025-03-16 Ces marques de bouteilles d’eau célèbres contiennent des niveaux élevés de... France Wiiz
2025-03-14 EU-lidstaten verbieden PFAS-pesticide flufenacet Belgium Landbouwleven
2025-03-14 Longtemps repoussée, l’interdiction de l’herbicide flufenacet finalement ac... France Ouest France
2025-03-14 Nicht mehr für die Ewigkeit Germany Frankfurter Run...
2025-03-13 Miele, Pan-Europe: “La Ue vieti l’acetamiprid, il pesticida killer delle ap... Italy Il Salvagente
2025-03-13 L’Union européenne acte l’interdiction du flufénacet France La France Agric...
2025-03-13 PFAS pesticides: Member states back plans for flufenacet ban EU ENDS Europe
2025-03-12 Deltametryna kolejna do odstrzału? Poland Farmer
2025-03-11 PAN Europe demande à la Commission d'interdire la deltaméthrine en rai... France Contexte
2025-03-07 Europa sfida i dazi di Trump: nel mirino i pesticidi illegali. Intanto l... Italy Gambero Rosso
2025-03-07 Campaigners call on European Commission to ban two pesticides as new eviden... International Food Ingredient...
2025-03-07 PAN Europe veut faire interdire la deltaméthrine France La France Agric...
2025-03-06 Pesticides : PAN Europe demande l’interdiction immédiate de la deltaméthrin... France Agra Europe
2025-03-04 PAN Europe asks EU Commission to withdraw pesticide UK HortWeek
2025-03-04 Neuroendocrine effects of the pesticide deltamethrin - emergency ban needed... EU ENDS Europe
2025-03-04 Deltamethrin: Green group pushes for ban on neurotoxic pesticide EU ENDS Europe
2025-03-04 ‘Forever chemicals’: Member states urged to back flufenacet ban EU ENDS Europe
2025-03-03 Belgian Village Shuts Down Mineral-Water Spring Due to High TFA Level -... International Natural Refrige...
2025-02-28 Stad Ieper organiseert dialoogavond 'HELDER' over drinkwaterkwali... Belgium HLN
2025-02-28 Bollentelers krijgen boetes vanwege pesticiden in bloembollen Netherlands Vroege Vogels
2025-02-27 Vooruit en Groen willen PFAS-houdende pesticiden verbieden Belgium Landbouwleven
2025-02-27 PAN warns of “disastrous impacts” on EU food system as commitments on pesti... International Food Ingredient...
2025-02-27 "Ctgb schoot tekort bij toelating schimmelbestrijder Pitcher" Netherlands Bloemen Planten...
2025-02-26 PFAS nelle acque in bottiglia? Mineracqua smentisce Italy Vittoriano Zano...
2025-02-26 Ctgb schoot tekort in toelatingsprocedure voor Pitcher Netherlands Agri Holland
2025-02-26 Rechter schrapt toelating schimmelbestrijder Pitcher Netherlands Boerderij
2025-02-25 College van Beroep voor het bedrijfsleven 25-02-2025, 20/837 Netherlands
2025-02-24 In de helft van Vlaanderen stroomt water met te veel PFAS uit de kraan Belgium Apache
2025-02-24 TFA in drinkwater: Vooruit wil verbod op PFAS-houdende pesticiden Belgium Apache
2025-02-20 Bruselas rebaja su ambición en el combate contra los pesticidas Spain El Diario
2025-02-20 « Polluants éternels » : après la contamination, les questions Monaco Monaco Hebdo
2025-02-20 Pesticidi per sempre Italy Rete Abruzzo
2025-02-19 Organic measures welcomed in new EU Vision for Agriculture Ireland Agriland
2025-02-19 Bruselas busca que los pesticidas prohibidos en la UE no se usen en product... Spain Euro EFE
2025-02-19 Investigation catches officials approving deadly substances for widespread... US The Cool Down
2025-02-19 Pledge to act on pesticide exports ‘watered down’ in agriculture vision EU ENDS Europe
2025-02-19 Mer morot i kommissionens vision för ny jordbrukspolitik Sweden Syre
2025-02-19 Bruselas presenta su hoja de ruta para modernizar la agricultura europea un... Spain El País
2025-02-18 Green group urges Hansen to rethink ‘unscientific’ approach to pesticides b... EU ENDS Europe
2025-02-17 EU planira uvesti strožije mjere za uvoz hrane Bosnia and Herz... Cazin
2025-02-17 ‘Incomprehensible’: Right wing resists NGO appointment to EFSA board EU ENDS Europe
2025-02-17 EU Eyes Trump-Style Import Ban on Food Amid Rising Trade Tensions Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Guard...
2025-02-17 EU 미국산 식품 수입금지 추진...트럼프 관세에 '맞불' 카드 Korea News Fim
2025-02-17 Forte pollution à un PFAS, la source de Villers-le-Gambon est fermée Belgium RTBF
2025-02-17 Az EU egy Trump-féle embargót tervez az élelmiszereknél, nagy pofon lenne W... Hungary Portfolio
2025-02-17 UE pregăteşte o interzicere mai multor importuri de mâncare. Măsura va prot... Romania Mediafax
2025-02-17 Philippeville : "L'eau minérale Villers respecte les seuils régle... Belgium L'Avenir
2025-02-17 "Trebamo kafu, mango i avokado" EU planira ZABRANU UVOZA određeni... Serbia Srpska Info
2025-02-16 União Europeia planeja proibir importação de alimentos ao estilo Donald Tru... Brazil Folha de S.Paul...
2025-02-16 UE jak USA? Chodzi o zakaz importu Poland Polska Agencja...
2025-02-16 Uniunea Europeană plănuiește să implementeze RESTRICȚII în cazul importuril... Romania Gandul
2025-02-16 ЄС планує заборонити імпорт деяких продуктів Ukraine IPress
2025-02-16 Qualité de l’eau à Dijon : ce que révèlent les derniers contrôles sur les “... France Bien Public
2025-02-16 Európska únia chce obmedziť dovoz potravín z USA. Prvým cieľom má byť býval... Slovakia Start It Up
2025-02-16 الاتحاد الأوروبي يخطط لفرض قيود على استيراد الغذاء لحماية مزارعيه Lebanon Dar Al Maaref
2025-02-16 EU plans Trump-style import ban on food Australia The Australian...
2025-02-16 В стила на Тръмп Брюксел планира забрана за внос на някои храни Bulgaria Mediapool
2025-02-16 EU plans Donald Trump-style import ban on food International Financial Times
2025-02-13 Unijní pravice vytáhla proti ekologickým neziskovkám, vybrala si spor o lob... Czech Republic Deník Referendu...
2025-02-13 Umweltorganisationen klagen gegen temporäre Genehmigungen für Pestizide Germany Tagesspiegel
2025-02-12 « On a perdu 30 % de nos membres en un an… » : le scandale des PFAS a forte... France SudInfo
2025-02-12 Heavy pesticide exposure poses similar cancer risk as smoking Spain Bio Eco Actual
2025-02-10 Two legal actions filed against Commission’s glyphosate approval decision EU EU Law Live
2025-02-10 Two legal actions filed against Commission’s glyphosate approval decision EU EU Law Live
2025-02-10 Green groups back Hansen’s pledge to tackle hazardous pesticide residues EU ENDS Europe
2025-02-07 Pfas nell’acqua di rubinetto e in quella minerale. Come difendersi? Italy Il Fatto Alimen...
2025-02-06 Greenpeace: "Acqua potabile contaminata da PFAS cancerogeni in tutta I... Italy Orvieto News
2025-02-04 Rightwing MEPs threaten huge funding freeze for environmental NGOs UK The Guardian
2025-02-03 Riverains exposés aux pesticides : sans réponse de l’État, des citoyens sai... France l'Humanité
2025-01-29 Gaat de uitspraak van de rechter zorgen voor minder schadelijke pesticiden? Netherlands Folia
2025-01-28 PesticidenEetwijzer PAN- NL: citrusfruit en kropsla vuilste en kiwi’s en as... Netherlands Hier in Salland
2025-01-28 Momentum builds behind clamp-down on pesticide residues on food imports EU ENDS Europe
2025-01-27 How massive lobbying is fighting a ban on ‘forever chemicals’ Luxembourg Luxembourg Time...
2025-01-27 French cities’ drinking water contaminated with TFA, study finds Spain Smart Water Mag...
2025-01-27 How massive lobbying is preventing a ban on 'forever chemicals' Luxembourg Luxemburger Wor...
2025-01-26 Air Mineral di Eropa Terpapar Bahan Kimia Abadi, Benarkah Masih Aman untuk... Indonesia Mediapriangan
2025-01-26 Malser Connection Italy Neuer Sudtirole...
2025-01-24 Call to propose the non-renewal of fenoxaprop-P-ethyl and fludioxonil - PAN... EU ENDS Europe
2025-01-23 Se bevi acqua minerale, queste sono le marche da non acquistare mai Italy BioPianeta
2025-01-23 Pesticide residues found on popular fruits and vegetables Netherlands NL Times
2025-01-23 Europese klimaatsubsidies onder vuur, ngo's verwerpen kritiek Netherlands NOS
2025-01-23 Pesticidenwijzer - item on Dutch TV (min 16.43) Netherlands EenVandaag
2025-01-23 «Très petit et très mobile» : un polluant éternel retrouvé dans l’eau du ro... France Libération

© Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe), Rue de la Pacification 67, 1000, Brussels, Belgium, Tel. +32 2 318 62 55

Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe) gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the European Union, European Commission, DG Environment, LIFE programme. Sole responsibility for this publication lies with the authors and the funders are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.