Pesticides threaten the bulk of life on Earth - Interview with Prof. Dave Goulson
Insect and other arthropod populations are rapidly declining. This alarming loss of biodiversity jeopardises our joy of life. After all, what would the world be like if children grew up without the joy of fluttering butterflies or buzzing bumblebees?
Pesticide Action Week 2025
Spring is here, full of new life. But it is also the start of the spraying season.
Pesticides contaminate on a landscape scale - far beyond the fields
A new groundbreaking study
Acetamiprid: the brain-toxic neonicotinoid we must urgently leave behind
Neonicotinoid insecticides pose not only a serious threat to biodiversity, but also to human health. Already in small doses they can affect the developing brain of young children.
EU SCoPAFF meeting: the end of PFAS pesticides?
The future of two PFAS pesticides will be decided in a March 11-12 meeting between the EU Member States and the European Commission. The substances are flufenacet, an endocrine disruptor, and flutolanil. Both emit the very persistent TFA into the environment.
A cocktail of pesticides eradicates biodiversity - Interview with Prof. Dr. Carsten Brühl
Insects and other arthropods are disappearing at an alarming rate all over Europe and pesticides play a major role. We interviewed the German Professor Dr. Carsten Brühl, specialist in ecotoxicology.
Protect the arthropods, protect our food security
With a new campaign, we pay special attention to the major role pesticides play in Europe’s catastrophic collapse of insect populations. The chemicals decimate the broad family of arthropods - including insects, spiders, centipedes and crustaceans.
EU ban on imported food with hazardous pesticides: an urgent health measure, not a trade war issue
Stopping the import of US products with residues of pesticides no longer approved in Europe is not an ingredient of a trade war.
Valentine's Day: don't poison your loved one, avoid toxic flowers
Thinking of buying a bouquet for Valentine’s Day? While celebrating love is beautiful, it is worth considering what is in flowers. Your gift might be more toxic than romantic. Valentine’s Day falls in winter, a time when few flowers naturally grow in Europe.
The return of EU-banned pesticides: dangerous residues found in imported food
The European Commission seems to be rethinking its stance on importing food with pesticides. Recently, the new EU farm chief, Christophe Hansen, recognised that it is unfair to allow food imports from third countries with residues of pesticides banned in Europe.