Conference: Regulating PFAS Pesticides: Ensuring Clean Water for Future Generations
Conference: Towards a Just Transition: IPM, biocontrol and the path beyond pesticides
Conference: Alternative plant protection - benefits for farmers, consumers and environment
Conference: Towards a resilient EU agriculture: How to reduce pesticide dependency
Conference: Protecting farm workers and citizens in rural areas against pesticides
Conference: Farming without harming: policy action for resilient agriculture
Conference: Rooting for healthy Soils in Europe
Conference: Rethinking Urban Weed Management: From Glyphosate to Sustainable Solutions
Conference: Integrated Pest Management as a focal point of the SUR proposal
Conference: Debunking pesticides in Romania: A sustainable agriculture is possible
Conference: SUR: science calls for protection of children's health from long-term impacts of pesticides
Conference: Is glyphosate safe for health and the environment?
Conference: The impact of Pesticides on Farmworkers and Rural Communities
Conference: Conference in Hungary: The European Green Agreement and the reduction of pesticide use
Conference: Safe and sustainable food production in Croatia
Conference: Under the Surface: A Deep Dive Into EU Water Pollution Monitoring and Management Practices
Conference: No obstacles to ban glyphosate: Alternatives exist for all us
Conference: Mayors and EU policies together for healthy living spaces - 28 September 2022
Press Conference: Environmental NGOs and Organic Movement call on Commission to develop a new indicator to measure progress toward the Farm to Fork pesticide reduction target
Workshop: Victims of Pesticides Tell Their Stories - 7 December 2016
PAN Europe organised a workshop on 7 December 2016 in order to allow pesticide victims to tell their stories and to have an exchange on existing European campaigns allowing victims to make their stories heard. See the program in EN and FR.
Lunchtime Debate on the use of Pesticides in Ecological Focus Areas - 1 December 2016 European Parliament
PAN Europe hosted a lunchtime debate "Making biodiversity work for farmers: Bringing ecology back into Ecological Focus Areas" at the European Parliament on December 1. PAN Europe released a position paper on Pesticide Use in EFAs. Pierre Bascou, Director from DG Agri of the European Commission, delivered the presentation "Review of Greening After One Year". Professor Felix Wäckers of the University of Lancaster delivered the presentation "Making EFAs work best for farmers and biodiversity".
PAN Europe at the Monsanto Tribunal: The Monsanto Tribunal is an international civil society initiative which was organised to hold Monsanto accountable for human rights violations, crimes against humanity, and ecocide. Eminent judges, at The Hague, heard testimonies from victims, in order to deliver an advisory opinion following procedures of the International Court of Justice. PAN Europe was a co-moderator in the three pesticide workshops of the People's Assembly, which took place in parallel to provide the opportunity for social movements to rally and plan for the future we want. The Tribunal and People's Assembly took place between 14 and 16 October 2016 in The Hague, Netherlands. The background information, the appeal and follow-ups can be found on the following website,
2016 ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS - Expert discussion on the Commission proposal, European Parliament, Brussels.
2015 Feeding Europe while reducing pesticide dependency Symposium, European Parliament. Read more >>
2015 Belgium moving towards pesticide free towns, Brussels.
Bruxelles Environnement - IBGE / Leefmilieu Brussel - BIM.
View programme and questionnaires
2014 Feeding Europe with fewer pesticides, European Parliament, Brussels.
2013 Feeding Europe with less pesticides, European Parliament, Brussels.
2013 Our Disrupted Food, EDCs in pesticides residues, European Parliament, Brussels.
2013 Pollinator friendly farming is possible, Brussels.
Bart Staes Greens/EFA MEP, the European Beekeeping Coordination and PAN Europe, in the framework of the Week Without Pesticides.
2012 Integrated Pest Management - the Way Forward to Sustainable Agricultural Production, Brussels.
Organised by PAN Europe, IBMA and IOBC.
2011 Independence of science, Brussels.
Debate organised by PAN/EOS in EP, hosted by MEP Corinne Lepage.
2011 EEB/PAN workshop on chemicals, Copenhagen.
2010 PAN Europe Annual General Meeting.
View agenda and presentation Week for pesticides alternatives in France
2010 PAN Europe Mini Seminar, What future for integrated production?
View agenda and selected presentations
2009 PAN Europe AGM, Towards Sustainable Pesticide Use Reduction Across Europe – from Words to Action.
View conference agenda and selected presentations
2009 PAN Workshop, National Action Plans, Integrated Pest Management and the Common Agricultural Policy.
View agenda and selected presentations
2007 HEAL and PAN Europe Workshop, Pesticide use reduction for better health.
2006 Annual Network Conference, Bologna.
2005 Annual Network Conference, Poland.
2005 Workshop - Pesticide Reduction Programmes in Germany and the UK.
2003 Annual network members’ conference, Denmark.