
PAN Europe is invited to speak at a number of events throughout Europe. A selection of the presentations given are available to download below:

UNESCO World Heritage Watch - The Prosecco Region: A UNESCO area out of control and at risk of overbuilding

The Prosecco Region: A UNESCO area out of control and at risk of overbuilding

by Gianluigi Salvador, Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Europe and PAN Italy
UNESCO World Heritage Watch - January 19th-20th 2020 - Paris

3rd Workshop Towards Chemical Pesticide-Free Agriculture [EU2019.FI]

3rd Workshop Towards Chemical Pesticide-Free Agriculture - as part of Horizon Europe, hosted by the Finnish Presidency of the EU; October 23rd, Helsinki

Henriette Christensen, Senior Policy Advisor - Agriculture (PAN Europe)


From specific objectives to concrete interventions on pesticide dependency reductions

From specific objectives to concrete interventions on pesticide dependency reductions

Paolo Mosca (PAN Europe); Civil Dialogue Group on the CAP, 15 October 2019, Brussels

Human health consequences of pesticides and the EU risk assessment

Human health consequences of pesticides and the EU risk assessment(link is external),

Angeliki Lysimachou, Greens Complementary Hearing on Pesticides, 5th september 2018, Brussels


General state of play and status of the impact assessment of the pesticide regulatory process

General state of play and status of the impact assessment of the pesticide regulatory process(link is external)

Martine Dermine, Greens Complementary Hearing on Pesticides, 5th September 2018, Brussels

© Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe), Rue de la Pacification 67, 1000, Brussels, Belgium, Tel. +32 2 318 62 55

Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe) gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the European Union, European Commission, DG Environment, LIFE programme. Sole responsibility for this publication lies with the authors and the funders are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.