PAN Europe in the news

2020-04-07 Farmers association and NGOs at odds over postponement of new EU food polic... Euractiv
2020-04-07 EFSA report offers snapshot into pesticide residues on food Euractiv
2020-04-01 End pesticide use by 2035, say campaigners AGRA FACTS
2020-03-27 EPP calls for further postponement of Farm to Fork strategy Euractiv
2020-03-23 Europa buigt zich over het verbod op Mancozeb Netherlands AGF
2020-03-13 Brussel wil gevaarlijk landbouwgif verbieden onzin, zegt de fabrikant Netherlands Dagblad Trouw
2020-03-10 Die biologische Vielfalt fördern blick-aktuell.d...
2020-03-04 Controversial risk indicator to be basis for pesticide reduction targets Euractiv
2020-02-26 Néonicotinoïdes: les betteraves belges recourent toujours à ces insecticide... Belgium
2020-02-22 Insects, pesticide and a public health crisis
2020-02-21 Apocalypse Now! Insects, Pesticide and a Public Health Crisis CounterPunch.or...
2020-02-17 Het lobby-offensief tegen gifvrij fruit Belgium De
2020-02-15 El fraude en el laboratorio alemán arroja dudas sobre la aprobación de la U...
2020-02-13 EU urged to discard glyphosate studies from lab accused of falsifying data EU ENDS Europe
2020-02-13 Glifosato, spunta l’ipotesi di frode sui dati che hanno permesso la riappro...
2020-02-12 Glifosato, Pan Germany: il laboratorio tedesco ha manipolato i dati sulla t... Italy Il Salvagente
2020-02-06 Limited progress on pesticides, EU meat tax and swine fever Euractiv
2020-02-05 Commission slammed for failing to cut pesticides EU ENDS Europe
2020-02-05 Auditors Find EU Countries Flouting Pesticide Reduction Law Bloomberg Envir...
2020-02-04 Au Luxembourg, le glyphosate est en passe d'être banni France
2020-02-01 « Jusqu’ici, les agrochimistes ont défini eux-mêmes les modalités de l’éval... France Le Monde
2020-01-26 Salvare le api per salvare l'agricoltura QuotedBusiness....
2020-01-25 Nieuwe coalitie bundelt krachten tegen gebruik van landbouwgif Netherlands Dagblad Trouw
2020-01-25 Salvare le api per salvare l'agricoltura La Stampa
2020-01-17 European Union Bans Neonicotinoid Insecticide, Citing Health and Environmen... Beyond Pesticid...
2020-01-09 Pan boccia il sistema di autorizzazione dei pesticidi in Europa Italy Cambia La Terra
2019-12-17 Hvad dansk fødevarepolitik burde lære af Monsanto Papers – Vi må have fulds...
2019-12-11 La denuncia di Pan Europe: l’Ue ha autorizzato oltre 100 pesticidi che alte... Italy Il Salvagente
2019-12-10 Groenten en fruit zijn vaak vervuild met hormoongif ( Netherlands Reformatorisch...
2019-12-10 Groenten en fruit zijn vaak vervuild met hormoongif Netherlands Dagblad Trouw
2019-12-10 ‘Hormoongif’ in groenten en fruit: hoe erg is dat? Netherlands
2019-12-10 La Commission européenne accusée de ne pas tester l'effet perturbateur... France Libération
2019-12-10 Hormoonverstorende bestrijdingsmiddelen nog volop gebruikt Netherlands Dagblad Trouw
2019-12-10 'Restanten van bestrijdingsmiddelen op groenten en fruit van buiten EU... Netherlands
2019-12-10 Groente en fruit besmet met stoffen die hormoonbalans verstoren
2019-12-10 Wat er allemaal in dat sappige fruit zit? Geen idee Netherlands Dagblad Trouw
2019-12-09 EU bans pesticides linked to brain damage EU ENDS Europe
2019-12-09 EU votes against renewing chlorpyrifos approval FoodSafetyNews....
2019-12-09 EU to ban two ‘brain-damaging’ pesticides Euractiv
2019-12-08 Umstrittenes Insektizid Chlorpyrifos ist in der EU bald verboten
2019-12-06 European Commission moves to ban chlorpyrifos Agri Pulse
2019-12-06 EU verbietet Insektizid Chlorpyrifos Deutsche Welle
2019-12-06 Pesticides : l'Europe interdit le chlorpyrifos France Actu Environnem...
2019-12-06 La UE prohibeix dos dels pesticides més utilitzats per causar danys cerebra... Arabalears
2019-12-06 Soll Nerven von Kindern beschädigen – Insektenkiller Chlorpyrifos wird in d...
2019-12-06 WDH: Umstrittener Insektenkiller Chlorpyrifos wird in der EU verboten
2019-12-06 Umstrittener Insektenkiller Chlorpyrifos wird in der EU verboten
2019-12-04 EU Commission set to vote on ban of controversial organophosate pesticides Euractiv
2019-12-02 Devant l’imminence de l’interdiction du chlorpyrifos en Europe, les fabrica... France Le Monde
2019-12-02 Producers fight back to prevent pesticides ban: ”EU bows for pressure from... Investigative R...
2019-11-26 Campaign launches to ban pesticides, transform agriculture and save bees, f...
2019-11-26 Salviamo api e agricoltori, ecco l’Iniziativa dei Cittadini Europei Italy Rinnovabili
2019-11-25 Parte oggi in tutta Europa la raccolta delle firme ICE "Save Bees and... Italy
2019-11-25 Europees burgerinitiatief opgestart tegen synthetische pesticiden
2019-11-25 Salviamo Api e Agricoltori: parte la raccolta firme Italy Cambia La Terra
2019-11-25 Europäische Bürgerinitiative "Bienen und Bauern retten!" gestarte... finanznachricht...
2019-11-25 Une initiative européenne pour bannir les pesticides en 2035 Belgium LeSoir.Be
2019-11-25 Европейска инициатива: Да спасим пчелите и земеделците
2019-11-25 Campaigners launch EU petition to ban synthetic pesticides EU ENDS Europe
2019-11-21 Commission pesticides data draws scepticism EU ENDS Europe
2019-10-08 La Germania esporta pesticidi vietati in europa Italy Rinnovabili
2019-09-17 Initial EU probe suggests no need for regulatory action on pesticide '... EU ENDS Europe
2019-09-12 Api, una coalizione europea chiede il bando dei pesticidi Cambialaterra.i...
2019-09-05 Glifosato, la Francia processa il sindaco anti-pesticidi. L'Italia att...
2019-08-05 Environmental groups launch EU campaign to ban all pesticides by 2035 The Independent...
2019-08-02 “The collapse of nature”: Proposal submitted to EU calling for pesticide co... foodingredients...
2019-07-31 Activists all abuzz as Belgians protest over use of pesticides in Europe Euronews
2019-07-31 Activists all abuzz over use of pesticides in Europe AP Archive
2019-07-12 Brussels Bulletin: Campaigner calls for regulatory action on European pesti... International Food Navigator
2019-07-12 Industry and campaigners draw battle lines over EDC policy review EU ENDS Europe
2019-07-05 27.5% of food contains two or more pesticide residues without mixtures bein... Agence Europe
2019-07-04 Exposure to pesticide mixtures increasing, campaigners warn EU ENDS Europe
2019-06-23 Assurdo che un territorio dove la popolazione viva a disagio sia patrimonio...
2019-06-21 Il clorpirifos è tra i pesticidi più utilizzati negli agrumi in vendita in... Italy Il Salvagente
2019-06-20 Campaigners call for EU to ban the pesticide chlorpyrifos EU ENDS Europe
2019-06-20 Agrumi al clorpirifos, un primato europeo Italy Cambia La Terra
2019-06-17 Europa onderzoekt verbod op insectenvergif dat in onze voeding opduikt Belgium Knack
2019-06-17 Interdit dans huit pays européens, le pesticide chlorpyrifos traverse les f... France Le Monde
2019-06-17 The most dangerous pesticide you've never heard of EU EU Observer
2019-06-14 Pesticidi, alcuni Comunni hanno detto no. La svolta bio non è un'utopi... Ilfattoquotidia...
2019-06-12 Liberi dai pesticidi: l'Italia comincia dai Comuni Italy Cambia La Terra
2019-06-03 Science institute that advised EU and UN 'actually industry lobby grou... UK The Guardian
2019-05-29 Trentino Alto Adige e pesticidi: la contaminazione dei frutteti si estende...
2019-05-22 I parchi giochi dei bambini sono contaminati da pesticidi
2019-05-22 Playgrounds contaminated with pesticides Weekly Blitz
2019-05-22 Dai meleti una minaccia per i parchi giochi Italy Cambia La Terra
2019-05-22 Alto Adige: parchi giochi contaminati da pesticidi provenienti da vigneti e... Italy Il Salvagente
2019-05-21 Parchi giochi contaminati dai pesticidi di meleti e frutteti. Il nuovo stud...
2019-05-13 Così la lobby dell’agrochimica è riuscita ad influenzare i voti dell’Ue Italy Il Salvagente
2019-05-10 Health officials ‘protected use’ of 32 dangerous #Pesticides EU Reporter - E...
2019-05-10 Documents reveal EU bowed to demands of pesticide lobbies Belgium The Brussels Ti...
2019-05-10 Spain routinely allowing unauthorised pesticides use, environmentalists cla... EU ENDS Europe
2019-05-10 Europe toxique? La Commission plie devant le lobby des pesticides
2019-05-10 Zwart-op-wit bewezen: Europa buigt voor pesticidelobby De Morgen
2019-05-09 EU executive denies seeking to water down EDC restrictions EU ENDS Europe
2019-05-09 EC documents reveal a fight to cripple important European pesticide protect... EU European Intere...
2019-05-09 De EU heeft zijn criteria afgezwakt, en dus mag het meeste landbouwgif gewo... Trouw

© Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe), Rue de la Pacification 67, 1000, Brussels, Belgium, Tel. +32 2 318 62 55

Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe) gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the European Union, European Commission, DG Environment, LIFE programme. Sole responsibility for this publication lies with the authors and the funders are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.