PAN Europe in the news

2024-04-25 PAN Europe: Court of Justice interprets several conditions for the placing... EU EU Law Live
2024-04-25 La Commissione ha adottato le misure necessarie per garantire che le misure... Italy ESGDATA
2024-04-25 Europees Hof kraakt Nederlands toelatingsbeleid pesticiden Netherlands Duurzaam-ondern...
2024-04-23 El 41% de las frutas y hortalizas en Europa contiene residuos de pesticidas Spain La Vanguardia
2024-04-23 Member states discuss full ban on thiacloprid EU ENDS Europe
2024-04-23 Group wants export of dangerous pesticide to Africa banned Nigeria Blueprint
2024-04-20 Sowing Doubt: How Big AG Is Delaying Sustainable Farming in Europe EU The Good Men Pr...
2024-04-19 Pesticides : interdire leur exportation hors de l'Europe n'aurait... France Actu Environnem...
2024-04-19 PAN Europe appelle à plus de fermeté sur les phytos reprotoxiques France La France Agric...
2024-04-19 Commission changes view on controversial insecticide, set to propose zero r... EU Euractiv
2024-04-18 Forever chemicals: What are they and why are they harmful? International Food Navigator
2024-04-18 Stopping banned pesticides in the EU to be exported to 3rd countries would... EU Euractiv
2024-04-17 Wednesday's papers: Biggest budget losers, Pentagon warns Finland and... Finland yle
2024-04-16 Morangos continuam a ser o fruto com mais pesticidas Portugal NIT
2024-04-16 Veleni nel piatto: Pfas in frutta e verdura Italy TV 2000
2024-04-15 PFAS nella frutta e verdura più che triplicati dal 2011 al 2021 Italy The Map Report
2024-04-15 PFAS Identified in Pesticides Used on British Fruit and Veg UK Technology Netw...
2024-04-12 Les 7 fruits et légumes qui seraient les plus contaminé aux PFAS France Medisite
2024-04-10 Europe’s urgent call for a pesticide-free future mirrors asbestos lessons EU EHN
2024-04-10 Ces fruits et légumes seraient les plus contaminés aux PFAS France Marie Claire
2024-04-10 L’appel urgent de l’Europe en faveur d’un avenir sans pesticides reflète le... International News.dayfr
2024-04-09 Peut-on vraiment éviter les aliments contaminés par les « polluants éternel... France Elle
2024-04-08 Green groups urge lawmakers to reject ’anti-democratic’ CAP reform EU ENDS Europe
2024-04-08 PFAS: i residui in frutta e verdura più che triplicati in dieci anni Italy Il Cambiamento
2024-04-05 Nascosto per otto anni il rapporto francese su glifosato ed effetti genotos... Italy Orvieto News
2024-04-04 Comment les "polluants éternels" ont envahi les aliments que nous... France France TV Info
2024-04-04 PFAS in frutta e verdura: in 10 anni la contaminazione è più che triplicata Italy Greenpeace
2024-03-31 Europa podría relajar el control y permitir la presencia de más PFAS y pest... Spain OK Green
2024-03-28 Avrupa’daki meyve ve sebzelerde kalıcı kimyasal tehlikesi! Turkey Gidahatti
2024-03-27 U SUSRET SEZONI: Objavljen spisak voća i povrća s najviše pesticida Kroatia Novi
2024-03-27 Petizione sulle sostanze PFAS: “Un’Europa libera da veleni!” Italy Pressenza
2024-03-27 Så kan Sverige stötta hållbart producerade läkemedel Sweden Aktuell Hallbar...
2024-03-26 Climate groups call on EU to withdraw proposal for CAP revisions Ireland Agriland
2024-03-26 ‘Shameful’: Member states endorse CAP revision with near-unanimity EU ENDS Europe
2024-03-25 Natural pesticide potential: Researchers in Japan make discovery for organi... Int Food Ingredient...
2024-03-25 Lebenschäden, Hormonveränderung: Immer mehr Einsatz von PFAS in Pestiziden Germany Deutschlandfunk
2024-03-23 Allarme pesticidi nel cibo: ecco quali sono i più contaminati Italy Affaritaliani.i...
2024-03-22 Ove vrste voća i povrća imaju najviše pesticida u sebi, neke konzumiramo sv... Serbia B92
2024-03-22 «La plus grande menace chimique au XXIe siècle» Switzerland Blue News
2024-03-22 Во кои овошја и зеленчуци има најмногу пестициди? Macedonia Kajgana
2024-03-21 Objavljen popis voća i povrća s najviše pesticida u SAD-u Kroatia Index
2024-03-21 Residues of Pesticides Containing PFAS Tripled in EU Produce Over Last Deca... International Food Safety Mag...
2024-03-20 Η ΕΕ σχεδιάζει να παρατείνει τις άδειες για 20 φυτοφάρμακα Greece Agrocapital
2024-03-20 Comment dépasser l’opposition entre écologie punitive et écologie réaliste? France The Conversatio...
2024-03-20 Keukenhof flower gardens open to the public for eight weeks Netherlands Dutch News
2024-03-20 Petition zu PFAS: „Giftfreies Europa jetzt!“ Germany Pressenza
2024-03-19 Glyphosate: le parquet de Vienne classe l’enquête sur Bayer France Mediapart
2024-03-19 Os agrotóxicos não ficam no vale, sobem até as montanhas, mostra Portugal Blog do Pedlows...
2024-03-19 Vijf vragen over PFAS in gewasbeschermingsmiddelen. De ene PFAS is de ander... Netherlands AGRAAF
2024-03-18 PFAS op groente en fruit: is het schadelijk? En kun je het eraf wassen? Netherlands Radar Avrotros
2024-03-18 Proposals to slash CAP green rules slammed by campaigners EU ENDS Europe
2024-03-17 As froitas e verduras con químicos tóxicos na UE triplicáronse en dez anos,... Spain Faro de Vigo
2024-03-16 EU set to water down climate rules to placate angry farmers India India Times
2024-03-16 La PAC amputée d’une partie de ses mesures vertes: "Un jour noir pour... Belgium La Libre
2024-03-16 EU set to water down climate rules to placate angry farmers Luxembourg Luxembourg Time...
2024-03-15 Pesticidi rilevati nella frutta fresca: questa la lista nera di quelli più... Italy BioPianeta
2024-03-15 Pesticidi pfas, in dieci anni triplicati gli ortaggi contaminati nella Uei Italy LifeGate
2024-03-14 EU Set to Water Down Climate Rules to Placate Angry Farmers EU Bloomberg
2024-03-14 In-depth: Is Brussels flouting better regulation guidelines in farming poli... EU ENDS Europe
2024-03-14 Verde per davvero: è l’insalata idroponica Coop! Italy Consumatori Coo...
2024-03-13 Pac : pressions pour avancer rapidement sur la simplification Belgium Le Sillon
2024-03-11 European Pesticides Action Network uncovers spike in detection of “forever... Int Food Ingredient...
2024-03-10 Glyfosaat verdwijnt over een paar jaar, maar wat dan? Netherlands Dagblad Trouw
2024-03-09 Plaguicidas eternos. El rastro de nuestra cosecha tóxica Spain RTVE Audio
2024-03-09 Bayer está a desenvolver alternativa ao controverso herbicida glifosato Brazil Communidado de...
2024-03-07 2023: An Activist Annus Horribilis EU Seed World
2024-03-06 I pesticidi PFAS sono quasi triplicati nella frutta e nella verdura UE in 1... Italy Il Fatto Alimen...
2024-03-06 Φυτοφάρμακα σε ελληνικά φρούτα και λαχανικά - Δεύτερη η Ελλάδα σε χημικά PF... Greece Sigmalive
2024-03-06 Plan to ‘stop emergency use of bee-killing pesticides’ submitted to Labour... EU ENDS Europe
2024-03-06 Növényvédő szerek: veszélyes vegyületeket eszünk, mégsem tiltják őket Hungary 168
2024-03-06 Europäische Bevölkerung ist über Obst und Gemüse zunehmend PFAS-Pestiziden... Germany Pressenza
2024-03-04 EU citizens exposed to PFAS “forever chemicals” through crops, new PAN rese... EU Nutrition Insig...
2024-03-04 Europäischer Gerichtshof: Urteil zu Pflanzenschutzmittel Germany Gabot
2024-03-04 Rising Alarm as 'Forever Chemicals' in EU Fruits and Vegetables T... EU Medriva
2024-03-04 Se triplicó en la UE la presencia de restos de PFAS en frutas y verduras Spain Cambio 16
2024-03-04 Pfas, frutta e verdura sempre più contaminate dagli “inquinanti eterni” Italy Help Consumator...
2024-03-04 Persistent threats in our plates: the unseen danger of PFAS in EU agricultu... Italy Green Me
2024-03-01 經典西班牙海鮮飯遇危機! 歐盟農藥禁令農民炸鍋 China Environmental I...
2024-02-29 Des PFAS en masse dans les légumes et les fruits belges et européens Luxembourg Virgule
2024-02-29 Toujours plus de polluants éternels dans les fruits et légumes et 3 autres... France Alternatives Ec...
2024-02-29 Pfas: in frutta e verdura sono triplicati Italy Delo
2024-02-29 Evropska komisija umika predlog uredbe o pesticidih Slovenia Lasvolta
2024-02-29 Those EU Farmer Protests Aren’t What They Seem EU Truthdig
2024-02-29 Poluanţii eterni sunt tot mai prezenţi în fructele şi legumele din Europa.... Romania ZIUA news
2024-02-29 Hvis vi vil forbyde PFAS, hvorfor tillader vi så stadig stofferne i frugt o... Denmark Danwatch
2024-02-28 PFAS pesticiden alomtegenwoordig op groenten en fruit, maar “er zijn zeker... Belgium De Standaard
2024-02-28 Fructele și legumele, îmbibate cu „poluanţi eterni” Romania Ziarul Evenimen...
2024-02-28 ¿Qué son los ‘químicos eternos’ que contaminan las frutas y verduras? France RFI
2024-02-28 In analyselabo's kan men veel gevoeliger PFAS meten dan 20 jaar gelede... Netherlands AGF
2024-02-28 Pesticides: des "polluants éternels" toujours plus présents dans... France Doctissimo
2024-02-28 Pesticides : « Si les Français étaient informés ils auraient encore plus pe... France Ouest France
2024-02-28 Egyre több az „örök vegyi anyag” a magyar zöldségekben és gyümölcsökben Hungary Web ORVOS
2024-02-28 Forever chemicals from pesticides on Austrian fruit and vegetables Austria FM4
2024-02-28 Las frutas y verduras con PFAS en la UE se han triplicado en diez años, seg... Spain Agro Diario
2024-02-28 PAN: Toenemend aantal PFAS in groenten en fruit Netherlands Vakblad Voeding...
2024-02-28 Fruits et légumes : l’inquiétante présence croissante de polluants éternels France ConsoGlobe
2024-02-28 More and more “perpetual” PFAS chemicals in European fruit and vegetables:... EU Breaking Latest
2024-02-28 PAN Europe waarschuwt voor PFAS op groenten en fruit Netherlands Nieuwe Oogst
2024-02-28 En Europe, les fruits et légumes de plus en plus saturés de pesticides, de... France Le Messager
2024-02-28 Pesticides : des polluants éternels toujours plus présents dans les fruits... France Le Progres

© Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe), Rue de la Pacification 67, 1000, Brussels, Belgium, Tel. +32 2 318 62 55

Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe) gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the European Union, European Commission, DG Environment, LIFE programme. Sole responsibility for this publication lies with the authors and the funders are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.