PAN Europe in the news

2025-01-09 Πόσα φυτοφάρμακα έχουν τα Χριστουγεννιάτικα δέντρα; Η PAN EUROPE απαντά Greece Cibum
2025-01-09 EU Rules Fail to Stop Dumping of Banned Pesticide Nigeria Foundation for...
2025-01-09 Glifosato, continua la battaglia delle Ong contro l’erbicida Italy Tele Ambiente
2025-01-08 Le gouvernement calédonien autorise deux nouveaux herbicides à base de glyp... France France Info
2025-01-08 Romania defies EU pesticide ban, testing Brussels’ resolve EU Politico
2025-01-08 Popular drink found to be contaminated with harmful chemical International PennLive
2025-01-07 Acqua minerale, il test ufficiale mette preoccupazione: 10 bottiglie su 19... Italy Gazzettino del...
2025-01-07 Commission eyes colour-coded safety labels for pesticides EU ENDS Europe
2025-01-06 Contestação à aprovação do Glifosato pela União Europeia chega ao Tribunal... Portugal Blog do Pedlows...
2025-01-05 Rákot okozó anyagot találtak több márkában is az ásványvízteszten Hungary TEOL
2025-01-04 Veszélyes ásványvizekkel lehetnek tele a boltok? Most kiderült az igazság Hungary Agro Napló
2025-01-03 Scientists issue warning over unexpected toxic substance discovered in ever... International MSN
2025-01-03 PFAS nell’acqua minerale: TFA presente in 10 bottiglie su 19 nel test di PA... Italy Il Fatto Alimen...
2025-01-03 Rémálom a palackban: Rákkeltő anyagok az ásványvizekben: itt vannak az érin... Hungary Kosbeszed
2025-01-03 Kiderült a súlyos igazság: rákkeltő anyagot tartalmaz sok ásványvíz, itt va... Hungary Pénzcentrum
2025-01-03 Rémálom a palackban: Rákkeltő anyagok az ásványvizekben: itt vannak az érin... Hungary Közbeszéd
2025-01-03 Forever Chemical Found Even In Pristine Mineral Waters International Water Online
2025-01-03 La campagne de Générations futures sur les résidus phyto est jugée trompeus... France La France Agric...
2025-01-03 Tényleg káros az ásványvíz? Egy teszt aggasztó eredményeket mutatott Hungary BORS Online
2025-01-03 Scientists issue warning over unexpected toxic substance discovered in ever... International The Cool Down
2025-01-02 Mérgező anyagot találtak tíz ásványvízben, vizsgáltak magyar márkát is Hungary Magyar Nemzet
2025-01-02 Mérgező anyagot találtak ásványvizekben - a felfedezett anyag akár rákot is... Hungary Startlap
2025-01-02 Forever Chemical Found Even In Pristine Mineral Waters International Water
2025-01-02 Der Schadstoff TFA ist allgegenwärtig in Luxemburg Luxembourg Luxemburger Wor...
2025-01-02 Rákot okozhat a palackozott ásványvíz Hungary Hírstart
2025-01-02 Rákot okozó anyagot mutattak ki tíz ásványvízben Hungary Index
2025-01-02 Waarschuwing voor pesticiden: 48 kankerverwekkende stoffen en bijenmoordena... Netherlands Envirodesk
2025-01-01 Acqua, se bevi questa rischi grosso | Gli esperti hanno lanciato l’allarme:... Italy Science Que
2025-01-01 A Pesticide Action Network Europe vegyszerellenes szervezet 19-ből 10 ásván... Hungary
2025-01-01 Durva eredményre jutott 19 ásványvíz vizsgálata, melyben egy magyar márkát... Hungary HVG
2025-01-01 Acqua, se bevi questa rischi grosso | Gli esperti hanno lanciato l’allarme:... Italy Magellano Netwo...
2024-12-30 European Commission proposes ban on PFAS pesticides to combat TFA pollution International Smart Water Mag...
2024-12-30 PFAS nell’acqua minerale, si trova in tante marche che compriamo ogni giorn... Italy Ricetta Sprint
2024-12-30 La UE propone prohibir los pesticidas PFAS para combatir la contaminación d... Spain I Agua
2024-12-30 Bekämpningsmedel dödade 75 procent av insekterna, Bryssel blundar Macedonia Sloboden Pechat
2024-12-27 Pesticides killed 75 percent of insects, Brussels turns a blind eye North Macedonia Sloboden Pecat
2024-12-24 Substâncias químicas eternas encontradas na água engarrafada do Luxemburgo Luxembourg Contacto
2024-12-24 PAN Europe Calls Attention to One Type of PFAS in 'Pure' Mineral... UK Food Safety Mag...
2024-12-24 Substâncias químicas eternas encontradas na água engarrafada do Luxemburgo Portugal Contacto
2024-12-24 Résidus de pesticides : le ver dans les fruits et légumes France La Santé Publiq...
2024-12-23 Forever chemicals found in bottled water in Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Time...
2024-12-23 Пестициди унищожили 75% от насекомите Bulgaria Telegraph
2024-12-22 Des rivières à l’eau minérale, le polluant éternel TFA omniprésent au Luxem... Luxembourg Virgule
2024-12-22 Вечные химикаты обнаружены даже в подземных минеральных водах Европы Czech Republic Around Prague
2024-12-21 Není jim úniku. Nebezpečné věčné chemikálie našli vědci i v minerálních vod... Czech Republic Novinky
2024-12-20 ‘Forever Chemical’ TFA Detected in Mineral Water Brands in Europe International Pressenza
2024-12-19 Un énième rapport sur la présence de résidus phyto dans les aliments France La France Agric...
2024-12-19 Nog tien jaar glyfosaat: NGO’s slepen de EU voor de rechter omdat ze nog st... Netherlands Envirodesk
2024-12-19 Descubren la presencia del "químico eterno" presente en el agua d... US Huffington Post
2024-12-18 Dieci anni in più di glifosato: le ONG trascinano l’Ue in tribunale per ave... Italy Green Me
2024-12-18 Mineral Water in European Countries Found to Be Contaminated With ‘Forever... UK Impakter
2024-12-18 Acqua in bottiglia in 4 marche su 10 trovate tracce di pesticidi PFAS e mic... Italy Zazoom
2024-12-18 Szennyezés a palackban: aggódhatunk az ásványvizek miatt? Hungary mfor
2024-12-18 Le Ong portano la Ue in tribunale per l’ok all’erbicida Italy Il Manifesto
2024-12-17 ‘Forever Chemical’ TFA Detected in Mineral Water Brands in Europe UK EcoWatch
2024-12-17 Gemeente volgt hoge concentraties pesticiden in oppervlaktewater verder op:... Belgium Het Nieuwsblad
2024-12-17 PAN- NL zet volgende stap: goedkeuring van glyfosaat ligt nu bij het Europe... Netherlands Hier in Salland
2024-12-17 Des résidus de pesticides dangereux retrouvés dans 80 % des fruits et 48 %... France Libération
2024-12-17 Ook ‘geneeskrachtig’ mineraalwater in flessen bevat restproduct van pestici... Belgium De Standaard
2024-12-17 آب‌های معدنی اروپا به مواد شیمیایی سمی آلوده شده است Iran Tasnim News Age...
2024-12-17 Zbadali wody mineralne z różnych krajów Europy. Przerażające odkrycie nauko... Poland Wiadomosci
2024-12-17 Gemeente volgt hoge concentraties pesticiden in oppervlaktewater verder op:... Belgium Gazet van Antwe...
2024-12-17 Vědci našli v minerální vodě v několika evropských zemích věčné chemikálie Czech Republic Envi Web
2024-12-16 Contaminazione da PFAS, in Italia frutta e verdura 5 volte più inquinate di... Italy Rinnovabili
2024-12-16 L’acqua minerale non è così pura come pensiamo Portugal Start Magazine
2024-12-16 喝下了什麼?歐洲多家礦泉水含永久化學物質PFAS Taiwan Taiwan News
2024-12-16 Bevi acqua minerale? Ecco le marche con livelli preoccupanti di contaminazi... Italy Green Me
2024-12-16 Apă minerală din Europa, contaminată cu periculoasele „chimicale eterne”. C... Romania Spot Media
2024-12-16 ‘ยุโรป’ พบ ‘สารเคมีตลอดกาล’ ใน ‘น้ำแร่’ หลายยี่ห้อ อันตรายต่อระบบสืบพันธุ์ Thailand Bangkok Busines...
2024-12-16 Čo sú to večné chemikálie? Vedci ich objavili v minerálnej vode viacerých e... Slovakia Istream
2024-12-16 Opasna 'vječna kemikalija' pronađena u mineralnoj vodi u nekoliko... Croatia Tportal
2024-12-16 Дослідники знайшли "вічні хімікати" в мінеральній воді європейськ... Ukraine Українська прав...
2024-12-15 Szörnyű vegyi anyagokat találtak az európai ásványvizekben Hungary Economx
2024-12-15 The Hidden Threat: TFA Contamination in European Mineral Waters UK EU Today
2024-12-15 У мінеральній воді Європи знайшли “вічні хімікати”, які можуть загрожувати... Ukraine Slovo pro Slovo
2024-12-15 Токсични за репродукцијата: „Вечни хемикалии“ пронајдени во минералната вод... Macedonia Вечер Прес
2024-12-15 Glifosato: estudo mostra danos cerebrais, ecologistas levam Comissão a Trib... Portugal Esquerda
2024-12-14 Châu Âu: Phát hiện hóa chất vĩnh cửu TFA của thuốc trừ sâu ở trong nước kho... Vietnam Kinhte Moitruon...
2024-12-14 Večne kemikalije so povsod okrog nas – zdaj so jih našli tudi v mineralni v... Slovenia N1
2024-12-14 "Večne hemikalije“ pronađene u mineralnoj vodi u nekoliko evropskih ze... Serbia Eupravo Zato
2024-12-14 Contaminarea apei minerale din Europa cu substanțe chimice periculoase Romania Informatia Zile...
2024-12-14 Zagadili su nam vodu, EU razmatra potpunu zabranu opasnih pesticida koji ug... Croatia Slobodna Dalmac...
2024-12-13 Στο Ευρωπαϊκό Δικαστήριο η PAN Europe για την έγκριση του φυτοφαρμάκου γλυφ... Greece Cibum
2024-12-13 Apa minerală, un adevărat pericol pentru sănătate. Descoperirea șocantă făc... Romania Bugetul
2024-12-13 Vědci našli v minerální vodě v několika evropských zemích věčné chemikálie Czech Republic Česká televize
2024-12-13 „Substanțele chimice periculoase” descoperite în apa minerală din mai multe... Romania Digi 24
2024-12-13 Rystende funn i drikkevann Norway Din Side
2024-12-13 Descoperiri alarmante: TFA detectată în apa minerală europeană Romania Substantial
2024-12-13 Le glyphosate entre les mains de la Cour de Justice de l’Union Européenne France Vitisphere
2024-12-13 Izvoarele europene sunt contaminate masiv cu ”chimicale eterne” folosite în... Romania Antena 3
2024-12-13 'Forever chemical' found in European mineral water! Know the dang... India News Bytes
2024-12-13 Apă minerală contaminată. Ce substanțe chimice periculoase s-au găsit în ma... Romania Capital
2024-12-13 Pan Europe ricorre alla Corte di giustizia Ue contro il glifosato Italy Il Salvagente
2024-12-13 Apă minerală contaminată cu substanțe chimice periculoase. Sănătatea oameni... Romania Romania TV
2024-12-13 Substanțe chimice nocive depistate în apa minerală din mai multe state euro... Romania Main News
2024-12-12 “Forever Chemical” ditemukan dalam air mineral dari beberapa negara Eropa |... Indonesia Netizen Media
2024-12-12 Ούτε το μεταλλικό νερό είναι… μεταλλικό – Ανησυχητικά τα ευρήματα νέας μελέ... Greece News 24/7
2024-12-12 «Παντοτινά χημικά» βρέθηκαν σε μεταλλικό νερό πολλών ευρωπαϊκών χωρών Greece Lifo
2024-12-12 Miljöorganisationer vill riva upp glyfosat-beslut Sweden Syre
2024-12-12 과학자들은 유럽 전역의 광천수에서 ‘영원한 화학물질’ 부산물을 발견했습니다. Korea kbj.or

© Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe), Rue de la Pacification 67, 1000, Brussels, Belgium, Tel. +32 2 318 62 55

Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe) gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the European Union, European Commission, DG Environment, LIFE programme. Sole responsibility for this publication lies with the authors and the funders are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.