PAN Europe in the news

2023-09-11 ECHA denies overlooking glyphosate evidence as campaigners push for EU ban EU ENDS Europe
2023-09-11 Le chiffre du 11 septembre 2023, 70,5% France Actu Environnem...
2023-09-11 Glyphosat findet sich in Oberflächengewässern Germany Proplanta
2023-09-11 Europese oppervlaktewateren vervuild met glyfosaat Belgium MO
2023-09-11 Two EU agencies ‘dismissed’ cancer risk in glyphosate claim action group Ireland Agriland
2023-09-10 La contaminación por glifosato en ríos y arroyos europeos dispara la alarma Mexico Meteored
2023-09-09 Will the European Union ban glyphosates over water quality concerns? UK Envirotech
2023-09-06 EU / Streit über Neuzulassung von Glyphosat Luxembourg Tageblatt
2023-09-06 Europese oppervlaktewateren vervuild met glyfosaat Belgium De Wereld Morge...
2023-09-06 Nach Tests in Flüssen: „Glyphosat-Zulassung wäre fahrlässig“ Germany Die Presse
2023-09-06 Call for glyphosate ban in EU to protect water quality Ireland Agriland
2023-09-06 Portugal é "campeão" em concentração tóxica de glifosato Portugal SIC Noticias
2023-09-06 Glyphosate, à l'approche du verdict de l'UE, PAN Europe publie un... France Reference Agro
2023-09-06 Il circolo vizioso che si crea tra l’uso dei pesticidi e i cambiamenti clim... Italy LifeGate
2023-09-05 Controverse autour du glyphosate : une nouvelle étude montre l’omniprésence... Belgium Le Soir
2023-09-05 LMP wants use of farm chemicals slashed Hungary Budapest Times
2023-09-05 Alertan de contaminación de aguas con glifosato en la UE Spain DW
2023-09-05 Le glyphosate contamine largement les eaux européennes France Reporterre
2023-09-05 LMP: drasztikusan csökkenteni kell a mezőgazdasági vegyszerek használatát! Hungary Ezalenyeg
2023-09-05 Ecologistas alertan de la contaminación de aguas con glifosato en España y... EU Euractiv
2023-09-05 Verdi Ue, 'non rinnovare l'autorizzazione al glifosato' Italy ANSA
2023-09-05 Σε ποιες ευρωπαϊκές χώρες ανιχνεύτηκε το ζιζανιοκτόνο γλυφοσάτη - Τι δείχνο... Greece Iatronet
2023-09-05 Le réseau Pan Europe appelle à une interdiction de l'utilisation du gl... France Actu Environnem...
2023-09-05 LMP: drasztikusan csökkenteni kell a mezőgazdasági vegyszerek használatát! Hungary Webradio
2023-09-05 Glyphosate: New survey finds contamination in EU waterways EU ENDS Europe
2023-09-05 PAN warnt vor Gewässerbelastung Germany Agrarzeitung
2023-09-05 Wiener über Glyphosat-Zulassung: Stimmen Sie für unbelastete Gewässer, Herr... Austria OTS
2023-09-04 Phytos : un indicateur de risque a baissé de 38 % en dix ans France La France Agric...
2023-09-04 Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή: Η χρήση φυτοφαρμάκων δεν μειώνεται Greece Agrocapital
2023-09-01 Risk from pesticide use on the decline, EU data shows EU ENDS Europe
2023-08-31 EU citizens more at risk from pesticides show new EU statistics EU Reporter
2023-08-24 Svrtan: ‘Hrana nam je sve više otrovana pesticidima. U Hrvatskoj se koristi... Kroatia Slobodna Dalmac...
2023-08-18 Hoe Syngenta een studie naar glyfosaat en hersenschade meer dan twintig jaa... Netherlands NRC
2023-08-12 Ogni boccone di frutta (uva, fragole e pesche contiene fino a 20 pesticidi,... Italy Informazione Og...
2023-08-11 Uva, fragole e pesche al top per residui di pesticidi in Europa Italy Il Salvagente
2023-08-11 Sai quale è il frutto estivo più contaminato dai pesticidi? Lo mangiamo tut... Italy Green Me
2023-08-07 Steeds meer landbouwgif op aardbeien: zo gevaarlijk zijn die middelen voor... Netherlands Algemeen Dagbla...
2023-07-27 ‘Na alles wat we weten: wie durft nog vóór glyfosaat te stemmen?’ Belgium Knack
2023-07-26 Growing concern over pesticides extols the legacy of Rachel Carson New Zealand Indian Newslink
2023-07-21 Folytatódik a nagy európai glifozátháború Hungary Qubit
2023-07-19 Glifosato, la Ue verso il sì alla nuova autorizzazione. La bozza riservata Italy Il Salvagente
2023-07-19 Komisija v senci pripravlja obnovo odobritve glifosata Slovenia Delo
2023-07-19 Du 8 au 10 septembre 2023 : Les Terres de Jim France La France Agric...
2023-07-19 Czy stosowanie glifosatu w UE będzie znowu dozwolone? Poland Agro Fakt
2023-07-18 Glyphosate : l’autorisation européenne pourrait être renouvelée dès septemb... Toute L'Eu...
2023-07-17 Brussels says glyphosate safe enough for ‘full’ re-approval EU Politico
2023-07-17 Europese Commissie wil toelating glyfosaat verlengen Netherlands Groenten &...
2023-07-17 Vers une procédure accélérée de renouvellement du glyphosate ? “Il est scan... Belgium La Libre
2023-07-17 Leaked draft report suggests glyphosate in line for EU re-approval EU Euractiv
2023-07-17 Europese Commissie wil toelating glyfosaat verlengen Netherlands Boerderij
2023-07-17 Leaked Document Shows Europe May Reauthorize Controversial Weed Killer Glyp... The Messenger
2023-07-17 Le glyphosate pourrait être réautorisé plus vite que prévu France Reporterre
2023-07-17 Commission poised to propose new glyphosate approval in September EU ENDS Europe
2023-07-08 Terrestrial ecotoxicity of glyphosate, its formulations, and co-formulants:... Springer Open
2023-07-07 EU has no critical concerns about use of controversial herbicide EU European Intere...
2023-07-07 Glyphosate backers welcome EU food safety agency's findings Agri Pulse
2023-07-06 Prolongation du glyphosate : l’Autorité européenne de sécurité des aliments... Belgium La Libre
2023-07-06 EU agency sees no "critical areas of concern" in the use of contr... ABC News
2023-07-06 EFSA paves way for EU to re-approve glyphosate EU ENDS Europe
2023-06-30 Nem fo szempont az egészség Hungary Magyar Hang
2023-06-27 65% of agro-pesticides in Nigerian market are hazardous – Report Nigeria Business Day
2023-06-27 MEPs vote to ‘better protect’ ground water from pollutants Ireland Agriland
2023-06-26 Adjuvantes para pulverização agrícola Mercado principais países, empresas,... Portugal Republicano Jor...
2023-06-23 Belgium officially ends export of banned pesticides Belgium The Brussels Ti...
2023-06-23 ”C’est le renard qui garde le poulailler” : PAN Europe dénonce les failles... Belgium La Libre
2023-06-13 L’autorisation du fongicide dimoxystrobine non renouvelée Belgium Le Sillon Belge
2023-06-09 Agrifood Brief: The great gene editing gamble EU Euractiv
2023-06-06 LEAK: Sweden proposes watering down key part of pesticides law EU ENDS Europe
2023-06-02 All member states agree on EU ban for fungicide dimoxystrobin EU ENDS Europe
2023-06-01 Végre! Betiltották Európa egyik legmérgezőbb növényvédő szerét Hungary 168
2023-06-01 Pesticide firms withheld brain toxicity studies from EU regulators, study f... UK The Guardian
2023-06-01 Des industriels de l’agrochimie ont dissimulé la toxicité des pesticides po... France Libération
2023-05-19 Women are more exposed to the dangers of pesticides Countye News
2023-05-17 Pesticides : un « Atlas » mondial expose le désastre France Reporterre
2023-05-12 Pesticides: legal challenge brought over abamectin and co-formulants EU ENDS Europe
2023-05-11 EFSA unveils long-awaited bee guidance update EU ENDS Europe
2023-05-11 EU urged to review ‘harmful pesticides’ by action group Ireland Agriland
2023-05-09 Legal comment: How a pesticides ruling highlights the power of green groups... EU ENDS Europe
2023-05-05 Anti-pesticides petitioners blast EPP for ‘unscientific attack’ on Green De... EU ENDS Europe
2023-05-02 Egyértelmű, hogy a glifozát káros a méhekre Hungary Qubit
2023-04-28 Réduction des pesticides : des conseils indépendants, un élément clé pour l... EU Euractiv
2023-04-27 Pesticides : l'Union européenne peine encore à encadrer leurs usages France Actu Environnem...
2023-04-27 Monsanto Papers. Qu’a fait l’Union européenne? France Terres et Terri...
2023-04-26 Progress in reducing impact of chemical pesticides ‘too slow’ EU ENDS Europe
2023-04-23 ‘Welke alarmbel moet er nog afgaan als pesticiden al in onze slaapkamers zi... Belgium Knack
2023-04-13 Reversing the decline in wild pollinators by 2030 FreshPlaza
2023-04-05 Commission turns down petition for more pesticide cuts, sticks to its plans EU Euractiv
2023-04-05 Commission presses lawmakers to heed citizens’ call for pesticide cuts EU ENDS Europe
2023-04-05 Brussels won't change pesticides law to protect bees despite citizen p... Euronews
2023-04-05 Brussels won't change pesticides law to protect bees despite citizen p... France Yahoo News
2023-03-31 ‘Dorre, oranje akkers tijdens prille, frisgroene lentedagen, dat hoort niet... Belgium Knack
2023-03-28 België is kampioen in inzet van pesticiden, zo blijkt uit onderzoeksrapport Belgium Metrotime
2023-03-28 La Belgique, "royaume des pesticides" Belgium L'Avenir
2023-03-27 Banned toxic pesticides still circulate in Belgium Belgium The Brussels Ti...
2023-03-27 België is kampioen in inzet van pesticiden, zo blijkt uit kritisch rapport... Belgium Nieuwsblad + ma...
2023-03-27 Comment les pesticides toxiques continuent de circuler en Belgique International News.dayfr
2023-03-27 De dérogation en dérogation: comment les pesticides toxiques continuent à c... Belgium La Libre
2023-03-27 Giftige Pestizide beleben immer noch den belgischen Markt Germany Grenzecho
2023-03-27 Des pesticides toxiques circulent toujours en Belgique Belgium La Libre
2023-03-27 Des pesticides toxiques circulent toujours en Belgique Belgium RTBF

© Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe), Rue de la Pacification 67, 1000, Brussels, Belgium, Tel. +32 2 318 62 55

Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe) gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the European Union, European Commission, DG Environment, LIFE programme. Sole responsibility for this publication lies with the authors and the funders are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.