PAN Europe in the news

2018-08-02 Warning over pesticides combination risk EU ENDS Europe
2018-07-30 Bayer to appeal neonic ban court verdict EU ENDS Europe
2018-07-26 NGOs join Brussels Region in glyphosate court case EU ENDS Europe
2018-07-18 Brussels moves goalposts on glyphosate EU Politico
2018-07-18 Campaigners fear open door for endocrine disrupting pesticides EU ENDS Europe
2018-07-17 Il progetto Città Libere dai Pesticidi a Occhiobello El Tamiso/AIAB
2018-07-16 Le alternative al glifosato già ci sono Italy Cambia La Terra
2018-07-11 MEPs call for overhaul of EU pesticide licensing EU ENDS Europe
2018-06-28 CAP reform set to play crucial role in EU action on bees EU ENDS Europe
2018-06-21 Agency 'lacks knowledge' on pesticide issue EU ENDS Europe
2018-06-20 EP’s pesticides committee chief ‘silent’ over toxic organic agent Euractiv
2018-06-19 Slovenia puts forward ideas pollinator protection AGRA FACTS
2018-04-30 Trenta comuni italiani aderiscono alla rete europea contro il pesticidi Spain La Republica
2018-04-29 EU ban on commonly used neonicotinoids to go ahead UK EU Policies
2018-04-27 Europese Commissie steunt verbod op voor bijen gevaarlijk landbouwgif Belgium Knack
2018-04-27 EU agrees total ban on bee-harming pesticides UK The Guardian
2018-04-27 L’Europe interdit trois néonicotinoïdes jugés dangereux pour les abeilles France Le Monde
2018-04-27 L'Europe vote l'interdiction de trois pesticides tueurs d'ab... France Le Figaro
2018-04-20 NGO accuses EC of reneging on pesticide control pledge EU ENDS Europe
2018-04-16 Call for new laws to tackle pharma waste EU ENDS Europe
2018-03-26 Pesticide firms: 'we have nothing to hide' EU ENDS Europe
2018-03-24 Bolzano aderisce alla Rete Europea delle Città Libere dai Pesticidi Buongiorno Südt...
2018-03-23 Auch Bozen wird Mitglied im Europäischen Netzwerk pestizidfreier Städte Südtirol News
2018-03-21 Avoid vested interests in safety testing new products Nature
2018-03-21 EU policymakers urged to avoid ‘vague’ CAP policy EU ENDS Europe
2018-03-19 How Syngenta won the war over weedkillers EU Politico
2018-03-04 European Report Confirms World's Most Popular Pesticide Hurts Bees Irinsider
2018-03-01 No justification’ for total ban on neonics, say farm leaders UK Farmers Weekly
2018-02-23 ‘High levels’ of pesticides found in Spanish rivers EU ENDS Europe
2018-02-21 En España sigue habiendo DDT: flota en nuestros ríos 40 años después de pro... El Confidencial
2018-02-21 ‘Ríos hormonados’: la masiva presencia de plaguicidas contamina las aguas d... El Salto
2018-02-13 Pesticides: Does the EU let industry write its own rules? Deutsche Welle
2018-02-11 Le monde magique des phytos France Le Monde
2018-02-10 Toutes les procédures d’évaluation des risques des pesticides sur les abeil... France Le Monde
2018-02-09 EU pesticides tests 'biased and manipulated' EU ENDS Europe
2018-02-06 Città libere dai pesticidi? Esistono e sono tante! Italia che camb...
2018-01-30 Nasce a Bruxelles la Rete Europea delle Città Libere dai Pesticidi Terra Nuova
2018-01-25 Città libere da pesticidi, nasce la rete delle città europee pesticide free Green Me
2018-01-24 France to call for withdrawal of dangerous pesticides EU ENDS Europe
2018-01-22 12 organizaciones ambientales solicitan al MAPAMA medidas para reducir el u... Info Agri
2018-01-22 Una docena de ONG piden a Tejerina que fije objetivos y un calendario para... Europa Press
2018-01-18 Casalduni nella “Rete Europea” contro i pesticidi per salvaguardare il terr... RTR 24
2018-01-18 Swiss plan to ban all synthetic agrichemicals EU ENDS Europe
2018-01-17 Città senza pesticidi Lozzolo entra nella rete La Stampa
2018-01-12 Lozzolo: Impiegato l’aceto per la gestione del verde pubblico Valsesia Notizi...
2018-01-01 European Food Safety Authority draft guidance on nano EU Food Policy
2017-12-13 Member States give green light to Commission's plan on endocrine disru... Euractiv
2017-12-08 Identifying EDCs “impossible” under new EU guidelines EU ENDS Europe
2017-12-08 Watchdog links pesticide to bee decline EU Politico
2017-12-07 Environmental Groups Plan to Sue EU Regulators over Glyphosate Decision Beyond Pesticid...
2017-12-07 Robilante è il terzo comune d'Italia ad aderire alla rete delle Città... Targato CN
2017-12-07 Ré-autorisation du glyphosate : la contre-attaque juridique s'organise France Actu Environnem...
2017-12-07 Robilante è il terzo comune d'Italia ad aderire alla rete delle Città... L’economico
2017-12-06 #SaveTheBees coalition: 80 EU NGOs gather to demand a full ban on neonicoti... EU Reporter
2017-12-06 NGOs urge neonicotinoid ban, tougher EDC controls EU ENDS Europe
2017-12-06 Klage gegen Glyphosatschwindel Die Junge Welt
2017-12-04 Glyphosate : les ONG portent plainte contre les agences d’expertise europée... France Le Monde
2017-11-27 Glyphosate, Top-Selling Weed Killer, Wins E.U. Approval for 5 Years New York Times
2017-11-08 The bitter battle over the world’s most popular insecticides Nature
2017-11-07 Campaigners pile on pressure ahead of glyphosate vote EU ENDS Europe
2017-10-30 Five-year EU glyphosate proposal criticised by all EU ENDS Europe
2017-10-25 Member States fail to deliver clear position on glyphosate renewal AGRA FACTS
2017-10-24 EU on brink of historic decision on pervasive glyphosate weedkiller UK The Guardian
2017-10-24 Parliament demands ban on glyphosate within five years EU ENDS Europe
2017-10-20 “Nur geringste Spuren von Giftstoffen auf öffentlichen Grünflächen” Italy Südtirol News
2017-10-20 Pestizide auf Spielplätzen? Umweltschützer klagen an Stol-Local
2017-10-19 MEPs demand glyphosate phase-out within three years EU ENDS Europe
2017-10-19 Farmers threaten to sue if Brussels ducks glyphosate decision EU Politico
2017-10-19 Glyphosate lobbying intensifies ahead of EU vote HorticultureWee...
2017-10-19 Study highlights glyphosate prevalence Fresh Produce J...
2017-10-18 Greens push alternatives on eve of glyphosate vote EU ENDS Europe
2017-10-04 EP blocks poposal on sceintific criteria to define endocrine Disruptors AGRA FACTS
2017-10-03 Endocrine disruptors: Report exposes scale of contamination as Parliament v... Euractiv
2017-09-20 Petitions to block big ag company mergers garner 708,000 names EU Politico
2017-09-08 France testing waters on glyphosate with other EU states Euractiv
2017-09-01 Fipronil crisis: Why should we keep on using these toxic substances? Euractiv
2017-07-15 Liberate dai pesticidi le aree di interesse ecologico in UE Italy Rinnovabili
2017-07-05 EU experts agree on criteria for endocrine disrupting chemicals in pesticid... Euractiv
2017-06-22 Tories aim to block full EU ban on bee-harming pesticides UK The Guardian
2017-06-14 EU Conservation Zone Pesticide Ban to Start Next Year Bloomberg
2017-06-02 France pushes for EU pesticide bans EU ENDS Europe
2017-05-24 Commission told to link CAP payments to water law EU ENDS Europe
2017-05-10 Nicht Brüssel, sondern Mals Der Vinschger
2017-05-02 Europäische Generalversammlung von Pestizidexperten in Mals Italy Südtirol News
2017-04-13 How many #pesticides did you eat today? Plenty according to European Food S... EU Reporter
2017-03-27 Pressure grows on Commission to change environment law after UN rebuke Euractiv
2017-03-24 Néonicotinoïdes: Bruxelles propose enfin l’interdiction Journal de l...
2017-03-24 Green NGOs blame Monsanto for ‘buying science’ to save glyphosate Euractiv
2017-03-24 L’UE se prépare à interdire les néonicotinoïdes Euractiv
2017-03-23 Europe poised for total ban on bee-harming pesticides UK The Guardian
2017-03-23 Attack of the bee killers EU Politico
2017-03-22 #WorldWaterDay: Protecting our tap water and aquatic ecosystems from pestic... EU Reporter
2017-03-07 UN advisor calls for global pesticides treaty EU ENDS Europe
2017-02-28 Commission decides not to vote on endocrine disruptor criteria EU Politico
2017-02-16 Neonicotinoid use continues despite ban - analysis EU ENDS Europe
2017-02-11 Europas Bürger gegen Glyphosat Deutsche Welle
2017-02-09 Commission tables fourth version of EDC criteria EU ENDS Europe
2017-01-12 Greenpeace: Neonicotinoids pose risks to multiple species Euractiv
2016-12-21 Limited scope of EDC outline guidance draws criticism EU ENDS Europe
2016-12-06 NGOs urge Commission to ban seven ‘bee-harming’ pesticides EU ENDS Europe

© Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe), Rue de la Pacification 67, 1000, Brussels, Belgium, Tel. +32 2 318 62 55

Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe) gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the European Union, European Commission, DG Environment, LIFE programme. Sole responsibility for this publication lies with the authors and the funders are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.