2023-01-23 |
EU sugar sector up in arms over decision to restrict bee-toxic pesticides |
EU |
Euractiv |
2023-01-23 |
PFAS vid grönsaksodling oroar |
Sweden |
Aftonbladet |
2023-01-22 |
Europe bans neonicotinoid derogations granted by Member States |
The European Ti... |
2023-01-22 |
Francja musi przestrzegać unijnego prawa: pszczoły ważniejsze od buraków |
Poland |
Rzeczpospolita |
2023-01-22 |
EU Parliament to host public hearing on reducing pesticides |
Ireland |
Agriland |
2023-01-21 |
EU Bíróság: nincs több trükközés a méhgyilkos vegyszerekkel |
Greenfo |
2023-01-21 |
Umweltschützer:innen loben EuGH |
Germany |
Tageszeitung TA... |
2023-01-21 |
'Good News for Bees' as Top EU Court Closes Pesticide Loophole |
EU |
Common Dreams |
2023-01-21 |
UK |
EU Policies |
2023-01-20 |
Betiltják a méhgyilkos növényvédőszerekkel kezelt vetőmagokat |
Hungary |
Magyar Hang |
2023-01-20 |
French sugar beet pesticide exemption halted by EU ruling |
Reuters |
2023-01-20 |
Nem lehet többet trükközni a méhgyilkos vegyszerekkel |
Hungary |
444 |
2023-01-20 |
Magyarország nem trükközhet tovább a méhgyilkos növényvédőszerekkel |
Hungary |
168 |
2023-01-19 |
Belgique a accordé à tort des dérogations aux semences traitées à l’aide de... |
Belgium |
La Libre |
2023-01-19 |
België maakte ten onrechte gebruik van uitzondering om pesticiden op de mar... |
Belgium |
Nieuwsblad en B... |
2023-01-19 |
Déflagration chez les betteraviers: la justice de l'UE bannit les déro... |
Belgium |
2023-01-19 |
EU high court bans use of bee-toxic pesticides |
EU |
Euractiv |
2023-01-19 |
Néonicotinoïdes : les dérogations bannies par la justice de l’UE, la France... |
US |
Huffington Post |
2023-01-19 |
UE: fin des dérogations pour les insecticides tueurs d’abeilles |
Belgium |
Le Soir |
2023-01-19 |
Streep door vrijstelling neonicotinoïden in gecoat zaad |
Netherlands |
Boerderij |
2023-01-19 |
ECJ restricts use of emergency pesticide authorisations |
EU |
ENDS Europe |
2023-01-19 |
Insecticides tueurs d'abeilles : l'arrêt de la Cour de Justice Eu... |
Belgium |
2023-01-18 |
Österreich ist Spitzenreiter bei Pestizid-Notzulassungen |
Austria |
Die Presse |
2023-01-17 |
EU loopholes give free pass to toxic banned pesticides |
EU |
Euractiv |
2023-01-16 |
Sprøjtemiddel har været brugt i dansk kartoffelavl i næsten 20 år. Nu får n... |
Denmark |
Altinget |
2023-01-16 |
Rübenbau hofft auf Notfallzulassung |
Austria |
Top Agrar |
2023-01-13 |
Pesticides banned in EU, Member States continue to abuse emergency derogati... |
Agence Europe |
2023-01-12 |
In Österreich landen auch verbotene Pestizide am Feld |
Austria |
Heute |
2023-01-12 |
NGO: Österreich führt bei Notfallzulassungen von Neonics |
Austria |
ORF.at |
2023-01-12 |
Znate li što jedete? Kancerogeni, mutageni i drugi zabranjeni pesticidi i d... |
Kroatia |
Slobodna Dalmac... |
2023-01-12 |
Verboden pesticiden volgens rapport nog volop gebruikt in EU |
Netherlands |
2023-01-12 |
Ngo PAN: 'Landen te ruimhartig met derogaties voor verboden pesticiden... |
Netherlands |
Nieuwe Oogst |
2023-01-12 |
Banned pesticides still widely used! How EU Member states abuse emergency a... |
Organic Life |
2023-01-12 |
Banned pesticides still widely used: How EU Member states abuse emergency a... |
Finland |
Helsinki Times |
2023-01-12 |
Pesticides banned by the EU because of harm and danger are still in our foo... |
Happy Evolution |
2023-01-12 |
EU-Zulassung wird unterlaufen |
Germany |
Agrarzeitung |
2022-12-25 |
Répit pour les abeilles: la Belgique en finit avec les néonicotinoïdes |
Belgium |
Le Soir |
2022-12-09 |
NGOs ask Belgian Council of State to suspend authorisation of two insectici... |
EU |
Euractiv |
2022-12-09 |
Flagship EU Green Farming Reforms in Peril as Lobbyists Exploit Ukraine War |
De Smog |
2022-12-09 |
Un agriculteur français victime de pesticides témoigne |
2022-12-08 |
Deux ONG demandent au Conseil d'Etat de suspendre l'autorisation... |
Belgium |
La Libre |
2022-12-08 |
Pesticides: la Belgique attaquée devant le Conseil d’Etat |
Belgium |
Le Soir |
2022-12-02 |
Agrifood Brief: A double-edged sword |
EU |
Euractiv |
2022-11-17 |
Glifosato: i Paesi Ue dicono NO all’utilizzo per un altro anno ma la Commis... |
Italy |
Green Me |
2022-11-17 |
Glyphosat: Verlängerung um weiteres Jahr |
Deutscher Natur... |
2022-11-16 |
Will the European Commission continue to greenlight glyphosates? |
Food Ingredient... |
2022-11-16 |
Bruxelles vuole prorogare il glifosato anche senza il consenso degli Stati... |
Agri Food Today |
2022-11-16 |
Comisia Europeană: Glifosatul, încă un an! |
Agro TV |
2022-11-16 |
Glifosatu nije produženo odobrenje za još jednu godinu? |
Agro Klub |
2022-11-15 |
Adiuvanti spray agricoli Dimensione del mercato, quota, entrate, segmentazi... |
Digitale Sicili... |
2022-11-15 |
EU executive forced to decide as member states fail to agree on glyphosate... |
EU |
ENDS Europe |
2022-11-15 |
Commission to temporarily re-approve glyphosate without member states’ go-a... |
EU |
Euractiv |
2022-11-15 |
Elég tagállam blokkolta, hogy az Európai Bizottság tovább halogassa a valós... |
444 |
2022-11-15 |
Proposal to extend approval of glyphosate blocked |
Ireland |
Agriland |
2022-11-11 |
Environmental and farming groups warn against weakening pesticides proposal |
EU |
ENDS Europe |
2022-11-04 |
EFSA hands over names attached to expert comments |
Nutra Ingredien... |
2022-10-24 |
The Heavily Used Pesticide Glyphosate That May Be Linked To Cancer |
Mashed |
2022-10-24 |
Svi nas lažu o pesticidima!‘: Natalija Svrtan upozorava da ni naši stručnja... |
Kroatia |
Slobodna Dalmac... |
2022-10-14 |
News in brief: Wildlife populations hit new lows |
EU |
ENDS Europe |
2022-10-11 |
Citizens initiative to phase out synthetic pesticides placed on EU agenda |
EU |
Euractiv |
2022-10-11 |
Europese milieuorganisaties slaan belangrijke slag in strijd tegen bijengif |
Netherlands |
Trouw |
2022-10-11 |
EU Commission approves Save Bees and Farmers ECI after receiving one millio... |
Bio Eco Actual |
2022-10-10 |
L'Initiative citoyenne contre les pesticides de synthèse validée au ni... |
Belgium |
RTBF.be |
2022-10-04 |
Troppi pesticidi nelle nostre città, l’evento dal Parlamento Europeo per no... |
Corriere della... |
2022-10-03 |
Away with pesticides in our cities! |
Brussels Mornin... |
2022-09-29 |
Evi (Verdi, contro la crisi alimentare no all'uso di più fertilizzanti |
Italy |
2022-09-29 |
La lotta all'uso dei pesticidi in Europa passa anche dalle città |
Agri Food Today |
2022-09-27 |
Fruit "highly contaminated" with pesticides |
The Portugal Ne... |
2022-09-27 |
Nieuw rapport: ‘Europese regels rond pesticiden zijn op maat van de industr... |
Belgium |
De Morgen |
2022-09-27 |
Pesticide Paradise: How industry and officials protected the most toxic pes... |
Finland |
Helsinki Times |
2022-09-27 |
Rapport: Farliga ämnen i vartannat päron |
Sydsvenskan |
2022-09-27 |
Wie ein EU-Leitfaden den Ersatz riskanter Pestizide verhindert |
Der Standard |
2022-09-27 |
Obst mit extra giftigen Pestiziden |
Taz.de |
2022-09-27 |
La législation européenne visant à éliminer les pesticides est un échec sel... |
Belgium |
RTBF.be |
2022-09-27 |
PAN Europe: systeem houdt toelating gevaarlijke middelen in stand |
Food + Agri bus... |
2022-09-26 |
Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring – more relevant than ever: Pesticide Action M... |
Einnews |
2022-09-26 |
Les fruits d’automne sont fortement contaminés par la catégorie de pesticid... |
Belgium |
La Libre Belgiq... |
2022-09-15 |
Thousands of litres of pesticides used on Irish roads and forests each year |
TheJournal.ie |
2022-09-14 |
Reduce pesticide derogations, says EU |
Farmers Journal |
2022-09-13 |
Dérogations sur les pesticides : l’avocat général de la Cour de justice de... |
Agriculture et... |
2022-09-12 |
EU Attorney General recommends strong restrictions on the use of pesticide... |
Worldakkam |
2022-09-12 |
EU quietly prolongs approval for 47 pesticides |
EU |
ENDS Europe |
2022-09-12 |
Pesticides banned in EU, ‘Article 53’ derogations must be exceptional, says... |
Agence Europe |
2022-09-12 |
Banned pesticides should not be used to combat frequent threats, deems ECJ... |
EU |
ENDS Europe |
2022-09-12 |
EU Advocate General recommends to strongly limit the use of pesticide derog... |
Finland |
Helsinki Times |
2022-09-03 |
PAN Europe takes legal action against cypermethrin, a highly hazardous pest... |
Finland |
Helsinki Times |
2022-09-03 |
PAN Europe takes legal action against cypermethrin, a highly dangerous pest... |
Worldakkam |
2022-09-02 |
NGO takes legal action over re-approval of 'toxic' insecticide |
EU |
EU Observer |
2022-09-02 |
Agrifood Brief: Waste not, want not |
EU |
Euractiv |
2022-09-02 |
Environmental group PAN Europe submitted a formal complaint to the Court of... |
Politico Pro |
2022-09-02 |
European Commission could face court over pesticide authorisation |
EU |
ENDS Europe |
2022-09-01 |
Pesticides, PAN Europe conteste devant la Cour de justice de l’UE le renouv... |
Agence Europe |
2022-08-22 |
Les fruits et légumes contiendraient de plus en plus de pesticides |
SocialMag |
2022-08-13 |
Belgium must reduce pesticide use by 58% |
Belgium |
The Brussels Ti... |
2022-08-13 |
Belgium needs to cut back on pesticides by 58% |
Press Editorial... |
2022-07-21 |
«Le marché des pesticides dangereux est hautement rentable pour les firmes... |
France |
Le Monde |
2022-07-13 |
Pesticides : PAN Europe conteste en justice la prolongation systématique de... |
France |
Actu Environnem... |
2022-07-13 |
Alert: EU Commission wants to greenlight another highly dangerous pesticide... |
EU |
ENDS Europe |
2022-07-12 |
European Commission warned against approving “notoriously toxic” Propyzamid... |
Food Ingredient... |
2022-07-12 |
Worthing Borough Council to phase out Glyphosate-based pesticides |