PAN Europe in the news

2015-01-21 Pesticides: les associations fustigent la feuille de route européenne Journal de l...
2015-01-20 Perturbateurs endocriniens La Commission doit revoir sa feuille de route (G... France La France Agric...
2015-01-13 Court overturns access to environmental justice ruling EU ENDS Europe
2015-01-08 Dispute over TTC approach continues at Efsa/WHO meeting Chemical Watch
2015-01-07 EU wants new approach on pesticide residues in TTIP EU ENDS Europe
2014-11-17 Anti-pesticide NGO slams maize pest plea AGRA FACTS
2014-11-01 Risk assessment's insensitive toxicity testing may cause it to fail Environmental R...
2014-10-05 ¿Pesticidas o 'cienci-cidas'? Destrella digit...
2014-09-18 Study questions EU pesticide approval process EU ENDS Europe
2014-09-18 DG Sanco to assume responsibility for EDC criteria Chemical Watch
2014-09-17 Pesticides: quand les BPL nuisent à l’évaluation Journal de l...
2014-09-17 On sous-estime de 2 à 1 500 fois la toxicité des pesticides Radio France In...
2014-09-17 Les rapports indépendants ne sont pas pris en compte ( France La France Agric...
2014-08-28 Review finds weaknesses in national pesticide plans EU ENDS Europe
2014-08-10 TTIP: already disrupting Europe’s precautionary principle? ARC2020
2014-07-24 EU Lays Out 'Endocrine Disruptor' Criteria Options, Setting Stage... Inside U.S. Tra...
2014-07-24 Under Industry Pressure In TTIP, EU Weighs Shift On Pesticides Regulation Inside U.S. Tra...
2014-06-20 Définition des perturbateurs endocriniens : une course contre la montre? France Actu Environnem...
2014-06-19 Endocrine disruptors: Commission exploring four scenarios Europolitics
2014-06-18 Chemical industry welcomes EU EDC roadmap Chemical Watch
2014-06-09 Europe’s ‘Green Capitals’ set to get greener from 2017 EU Reporter
2014-05-28 EFSA slammed by Pesticide Action Network over its methods ARC2020
2014-05-28 EU Safety Institutions Caught Plotting an Industry "Escape Route"... Truthout
2014-05-27 Metam-natrium wordt verboden NOS
2014-05-20 Hoe in Brussel bedrijfsbelangen het van milieu en gezondheid winnen De Corresponden...
2014-04-29 France presents its draft strategy on EDCs EU ENDS Europe
2014-04-12 Pesticides: des experts à la botte de l'industrie Charlie Hebdo
2014-04-02 TTC: EFSA found guilty of maladministration Food Packing Fo...
2014-03-31 EFSA response to ombudsman's decision on PAN Europe EU ENDS Europe
2014-03-31 EFSA guilty of 'maladministration' The Parliament
2014-03-31 European ombudsman points to "maladministration" by EFSA Europolitics
2014-03-28 A pest management toolbox to reduce pesticide use CommNet
2014-03-28 Pesticide Action Network Europe urges further action from Commission EU Reporter
2014-03-12 Pesticides use in ecological focus areas: Delegated acts of CAP reform move... EU Reporter
2014-02-22 Appels en peren optellen Netherlands NRC Handelsblad
2014-02-14 Milieuorganisatie: Bedrijfsleven saboteert voedselveiligheid Netherlands Dagblad Trouw
2014-02-14 Wat zit er nog meer in die aardbei? Netherlands Dagblad Trouw
2014-02-14 Bedrijfsleven saboteert voedselveiligheid Netherlands Telegraaf
2014-02-14 Opinion: How industry tries to water down risk assessment of pesticide mixt... EU Reporter
2014-02-10 Food industry accused of 'massive infiltration' of EFSA pesticide... Parliament Maga...
2014-02-07 EFSA accused of public health failure over cumulative chemical hazards EU Food Policy
2014-02-05 Des conflits d’intérêt gangrènent l’évaluation des effets des pesticides Journal de l...
2014-02-05 Pesticides : une ONG dénonce des conflits d'intérêt au sein de l'... France Actu Environnem...
2013-12-17 PAN Europe on the RTBF - National Belgian TV Consumers Show "On n... Belgium RTBF
2013-12-11 Pflanzenschutz Noch mehr Gift für Bienen? Beobachter Natu...
2013-12-11 Accused of Harming Bees, Bayer Researches a Different Culprit New York Times
2013-11-22 Recruit active, publishing scientists, EFSA told EU Food Policy
2013-10-23 NGO going to court over neonicotinoids review EU Politico
2013-09-26 Pesticides licensing in ‘race to the bottom’ EU ENDS Europe
2013-09-16 PAN Europe denounces pesticides provision EU Reporter
2013-07-23 Heated chemicals debate continues with open letter to EU chief scientist Euractiv
2013-07-18 EU targets another insecticide linked to decline in bee population Euractiv
2013-07-15 EU Agency to test pesticides' cumulative risk EU ENDS Europe
2013-07-09 Schippers: neonicotinoïden geen risco voor mens bij correct gebruik
2013-07-09 European Commission endorses EFSA EDC opinion Chemical Watch
2013-07-05 Commission backs EFSA's definition of endocrine-disrupting chemicals EU ENDS Europe
2013-06-24 Member states outline plans to cut pesticide use EU ENDS Europe
2013-06-13 MEP calls for parliamentary risk panel to tame green ‘scaremongering’ Euractiv
2013-06-06 Générations Futures réclame le retrait de « l'ensemble des néonicotino...
2013-06-05 BASF’s university job sparks green fury over biased science
2013-06-05 La restriction de 3 pesticides en UE ne suffit pas, selon Générations Futur...
2013-06-05 Alertes aux insecticides et aux neonicotinoides dans nos aliments! French R...
2013-06-05 Nous mangeons tous des néonicotinoïdes
2013-05-29 Martin Dermine, our Bees Project Officer, on the Belgian National Televisio...
2013-05-22 EU plans for EDC testing programme remain unclear
2013-05-05 'Wageningen' geeft onafhankelijkheid weg aan industrie
2013-04-29 EU pesticides ban "too little, too slow"
2013-04-29 EC pushes through major pesticide restriction
2013-04-27 Our Bees Project Officer Martin Dermine- Le Bar de l'Europe - TV5Monde France French speaking...
2013-04-11 NGO complains to EU Commission about Efsa EDC opinion
2013-04-08 Pesticide industry and NGO clash over EFSA definition of endocrine disrupto...
2013-04-04 Systematic assessment of EDCs some way off
2013-04-04 Le Parlement européen veut lutter contre les perturbateurs endocriniens
2013-04-03 PAN Europe on EDCs – Belgian National Radio Podcast
2013-03-29 National Belgian Radio - Le dossier interactif : Des abeilles et des hommes...
2013-03-28 Swedish minister wants tougher EU limits on chemicals
2013-03-22 EFSA’s EDC opinion reopens hazard versus risk debate
2013-03-21 EFSA paves way for regulating endocrine disruptors in food France Le Monde
2013-03-21 EFSA paves way for regulating endocrine disruptors in food
2013-03-08 Conflicts of interest at the European Food Safety Authority erode public co...
2013-03-07 NGO slams “unrealistic” pesticide report
2013-02-06 It's official: pesticides are killing bees
2013-01-17 Seed treatment poses a risk to Europe's bee population EU European Voice
2012-12-14 Conflit d’intérêts : la récidive de l’EFSA
2012-12-13 Bisphénol A, phtalates... soupçons d'ingérence industrielle à Bruxelle... France Le Monde
2012-12-05 Fertilité masculine : les dangers avérés des perturbateurs endocriniens France Le Monde
2012-08-17 GLOBAL 2000 fordert Verbot von hormonell wirksamen Pestiziden durch Ministe... Austria OTS
2012-07-18 Alimentos como la lechuga o los tomates contienen hasta 30 tóxicos diferent... Onmeda
2012-06-05 NGO highlights EDC residues in EU fruits, vegetables Chemical Watch
0204-09-21 Déballer le paquet pesticides France Le Monde
La Ue fa marcia indietro sull’esportazione di pesticidi pericolosi? Italy Cambia La Terra

© Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe), Rue de la Pacification 67, 1000, Brussels, Belgium, Tel. +32 2 318 62 55

Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe) gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the European Union, European Commission, DG Environment, LIFE programme. Sole responsibility for this publication lies with the authors and the funders are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.