PAN Europe sends out a public response on today's vote (11/12/2018) at the plenary of the European Parliament in Strasbourg on the transparency proposal under the General Food Law .
The proposal was voted in favour today, by the majority of MEPs, but without the amendments proposed by the conservative parties that would significantly lower the transparency in the decisions. Now the discussions will continue at inter-institutional level, where the Regulatory proposal will be finalised. PAN Europe highlights that the proposal needs to be strong and clear: the public and also the scientific community should have access to safety studies that concern human health and potential impacts on biodiversity.
“As citizens we expect our policy makers to take decision that concern our health and safety that are free from industry-bias and independent from industry’s financial stakes. We are pleased that today the majority of MEPs took into account the - over 1 million- European Citizens’ concerns and voted in favour for increased transparency, expertise and independence in the decisions concerning our food safety, our health and that of our environment” says Angeliki Lysimachou, Science Policy Officer of PAN Europe.
See also Parliamentary Press Release