
October 2017

Open Letter to Estonian Presidency on Nature-based Solutions

Open letter: A contribution to the flagship conference ‘Nature-based Solutions: From Innovation to Common-use’

October 2017

Open Letter to Estonian Presidency on Soil

Brussels, 4 October 2017

Open letter: contribution to soil conference proposing steps toward the implementation of a new agricultural model geared in the interest of human and environmental health through the safeguard of biodiversity.

Dear Mr President,

First of all, we congratulate you for having taken the initiative to organize a high-level conference starting today in Tallin on “Soil for sustainable food production and ecosystem services” as part of your Presidency.

September 2017

Open letter to Commissioner Hogan reg. Glyphosate re-authorisation and the EU model of farming

Brussels, 26th September 2017
Open letter reg. Glyphosate re-authorisation and the EU model of farming

Dear Commissioner,

We have recently read in the news that you support a ten years re-authorisation of glyphosate, inter alia arguing that ‘It is too important for agriculture - and for urban dwellers
as well who haven't access to alternative problems in relation to weeds in their gardens either”.

September 2017

Open Letter to Commissioner Andriukaitis: Manipulation of science in the glyphosate dossier

To: Mr. Vytenis Andriukaitis
European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy

Concerning: Manipulation of science in the glyphosate dossier.

21 September 2017


May 2017

Letter to EU Ministries calling not to support the current EDC criteria

Brussels, 24th May 2017

Dear Sir/Madam,

Ahead of the meeting of Standing Committee on Plants Animals Food and Feed on 30th of May 2017, section Phytopharmaceuticals - Plant Protection Products – Legislation, we would like to share with you our position on why the current proposal to identify pesticides with endocrine disrupting properties is unfit to protect people and the environment from the endocrine-related adverse effects of pesticides.


May 2017

Comments ahead of Pesticides Committee of 17-18th May

EDCs & Neonics - letter

Brussels, 16th May 2017

Dear Members of the Standing Committee on Plants Animals Food and Feed,

Ahead of the meeting of SCOPAFF on 17th and 18th of May 2017, section Phytopharmaceuticals - Plant Protection Products – Legislation, we would like to share with you our comments on following points of the agenda:

March 2017

CSOs Open Letter to the European Commission on agri-business mergers

Brussels, 27 March 2017

We, the undersigned organisations, call on the European Commission to reject the impending mergers of the world’s biggest agrochemical and seed companies.

In an already concentrated market, the world’s largest agri-business companies are proposing mergers – of Dow Chemical with DuPont, Monsanto with Bayer AG, and Syngenta with ChemChina. These mergers would exacerbate the problems caused by industrial farming – with negative consequences for the public, farmers and farm workers, consumers, the environment, and food security.

March 2017

Open Letter to DG Sante on the Implementation of the Sustainable Use Directive on Pesticides

Re: Open letter on implementation of the Sustainable Use Directive on pesticides

Brussels, 21 March 2017

Dear Mrs Colombo, Dr Mr Miko

March 2017

NGO Open letter on lobby transparency

Dear Vice President Guillaume, Dear Ms Hübner,

Inter-institutional negotiations on EU lobby transparency

As the negotiations between the European Parliament, the Commission and the Council on a revised
lobby transparency register will shortly get underway, we hope that the European Parliament will
stand firm as both an advocate for strong lobby transparency, and also as an advocate for a fully
transparent and open negotiating process which champions the public interest.

March 2017

Open letter on the independence and transparency of ECHA’s Risk Assessment Committee

6 March 2017
Mr Geert Dancet                     
Executive Director
European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)

Dear Mr Dancet,

On 8 and 15 March, the European Chemicals Agency’s Risk Assessment Committee (RAC) will discuss the hazard classification of Europe’s most heavily used weedkiller, glyphosate. We are writing to expressour concerns in relation to the independence and transparency of this Committee.

© Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe), Rue de la Pacification 67, 1000, Brussels, Belgium, Tel. +32 2 318 62 55

Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe) gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the European Union, European Commission, DG Environment, LIFE programme. Sole responsibility for this publication lies with the authors and the funders are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.