EFSA’s intentional blockade of Parkinson testing of pesticides
Dear Ms. Health Commissioner Kyriakides,
For an ambitious pesticides regulation that protects people, biodiversity and ecosystems
We, the undersigned already more than 80 organisations, representing environment, health and consumers organizations, drinking water suppliers, farmers and agricultural workers, call upon all EU Member States and Members of the European Parliament to support and adopt a strong Sustainable Use of Pesticides Regulation (SUR) without further delays.
Public funds need to be used to support farmers in taking the measures needed to effectively reduce pesticides, protect health and restore the environment and biodiversity
Dear members of the Agriculture Committee of the European Parliament,
EU Standing committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed - 12/13 October 2023 - position of Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Europe
Dear members of the PAFF committee,
On 12st and 13rd October, you are invited to the EU Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed to discuss and/or adopt opinions on several proposals of the European Commission. In advance of this meeting, please find below PAN Europe's position on certain issues that relate to the protection of human health and the environment, for which we kindly request your particular attention.
Your letter on glyphosate Ref. BU/ct-OC-2023 - 29763357
Thank you for your reply to our letter from 13 July on EFSA's main findings on glyphosate. Unfortunately, we regret to observe that EFSA has not responded to the main points from our letter. Our legal, scientific and regulatory arguments remain to be addressed. We feel that the lack of will of EFSA to dialogue with us on the content of its work is unacceptable, and will unfortunately inevitably increase the distrust in the institution.
Your letter dated 13 July 2023, titled ‘EFSA main findings on glyphosate’
Dear Dr. Lysimachou and Dr. Dermine,
I refer to your letter received on 13 July 2023, of which EFSA acknowledged receipt on the same day.
Your letter of 7 September 2023 titled “Stop the reapproval of glyphosate due to major deficiencies in carcinogenicity assessment”
I refer to the above-mentioned letter (registered under our ref: ARES(2023)6078700) sent to Commissioner Kyriakides, in which you express concerns on behalf of 15 European civil society organisations about the assessment of carcinogenicity carried out as part of the recent renewal assessment of glyphosate. Commissioner Kyriakides asked me to respond on her behalf.
European Commission proposal for a Regulation on the Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products(SUR) - Number of Working Group meetings on SUR file / Sensitive Areas
Dear Minister,
We are writing to you to share our views ahead of the next meeting of the Working Group on the Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products Regulation (SUR) proposal.
Commitment u-turn on export of hazardous chemicals banned in the EU
Dear President von der Leyen, Executive Vice-President Šefčovič, and Commissioner Sinkevičius,
We are alarmed and disappointed to learn that the European Commission plans to renege on its commitment to deliver on its announcement under the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability to lead by example and, in line with international commitments, ensure that hazardous chemicals banned in the European Union are not produced for export.
Stop the reapproval of glyphosate due to major deficiencies in carcinogenicity assessment
Dear Commissioner Kyriakides,