Priorities for the upcoming French Presidency of the Council in the Pesticide area
« Nous devons construire un chemin tous ensemble pour protéger nos sols, mais aussi nos activités agricoles (…) quand on trouve des substituts non-chimiques, quand on crée des cépages résistants, quand on modifie utilement le vivant, on peut se passer de pesticides tout en restant compétitif (…). Ce n’est qu’au niveau européen que nous y arriverons, [la France portera] une initiative forte de sortie accélérée des pesticides »
Webinar: Buone pratiche ed esperienze delle Città Libere dai Pesticidi
La biodiversità è in declino e l'uso dei pesticidi contribuisce notevolmente a questo problema. Numerose città hanno deciso di impegnarsi nella conservazione della biodiversità, eliminando l’impiego di pesticidi nelle aree pubbliche.
EU Commission draft regulation concerning the non-renewal of the approval of the active substance benfluralin, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009.
Comparative Assessment: Industry Experience to date
Replacement of a product, which contains a candidate for substitution by methods and products of plant protection of lesser concern in order to benefit the protection of human or animal health and the environment while minimising the economic and practical disadvantages for agriculture.
Burden of disease and costs of exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in the European Union: an updated analysis
A previous report documented that endocrine disrupting chemicals contribute substantially to certain forms of disease and disability. In the present analysis, our main objective was to update a range of health and economic costs that can be reasonably attributed to endocrine disrupting chemical exposures in the European Union, leveraging new burden and disease cost estimates of female reproductive conditions from accompanying report.