PAN Europe in the news

2022-11-16 Bruxelles vuole prorogare il glifosato anche senza il consenso degli Stati... Agri Food Today
2022-11-16 Comisia Europeană: Glifosatul, încă un an! Agro TV
2022-11-16 Glifosatu nije produženo odobrenje za još jednu godinu? Agro Klub
2022-11-15 EU executive forced to decide as member states fail to agree on glyphosate... EU ENDS Europe
2022-11-15 Elég tagállam blokkolta, hogy az Európai Bizottság tovább halogassa a valós... 444
2022-11-15 Proposal to extend approval of glyphosate blocked Ireland Agriland
2022-11-15 Adiuvanti spray agricoli Dimensione del mercato, quota, entrate, segmentazi... Digitale Sicili...
2022-11-15 Commission to temporarily re-approve glyphosate without member states’ go-a... EU Euractiv
2022-11-11 Environmental and farming groups warn against weakening pesticides proposal EU ENDS Europe
2022-11-04 EFSA hands over names attached to expert comments Nutra Ingredien...
2022-10-24 Svi nas lažu o pesticidima!‘: Natalija Svrtan upozorava da ni naši stručnja... Kroatia Slobodna Dalmac...
2022-10-24 The Heavily Used Pesticide Glyphosate That May Be Linked To Cancer Mashed
2022-10-14 News in brief: Wildlife populations hit new lows EU ENDS Europe
2022-10-11 Citizens initiative to phase out synthetic pesticides placed on EU agenda EU Euractiv
2022-10-11 EU Commission approves Save Bees and Farmers ECI after receiving one millio... Bio Eco Actual
2022-10-11 Europese milieuorganisaties slaan belangrijke slag in strijd tegen bijengif Netherlands Trouw
2022-10-10 L'Initiative citoyenne contre les pesticides de synthèse validée au ni... Belgium
2022-10-04 Troppi pesticidi nelle nostre città, l’evento dal Parlamento Europeo per no... Corriere della...
2022-10-03 Away with pesticides in our cities! Brussels Mornin...
2022-09-29 Evi (Verdi, contro la crisi alimentare no all'uso di più fertilizzanti Italy ANSA
2022-09-29 La lotta all'uso dei pesticidi in Europa passa anche dalle città Agri Food Today
2022-09-27 Obst mit extra giftigen Pestiziden
2022-09-27 La législation européenne visant à éliminer les pesticides est un échec sel... Belgium
2022-09-27 Pesticide Paradise: How industry and officials protected the most toxic pes... Finland Helsinki Times
2022-09-27 Fruit "highly contaminated" with pesticides The Portugal Ne...
2022-09-27 Nieuw rapport: ‘Europese regels rond pesticiden zijn op maat van de industr... Belgium De Morgen
2022-09-27 Rapport: Farliga ämnen i vartannat päron Sydsvenskan
2022-09-27 PAN Europe: systeem houdt toelating gevaarlijke middelen in stand Food + Agri bus...
2022-09-27 Wie ein EU-Leitfaden den Ersatz riskanter Pestizide verhindert Der Standard
2022-09-26 Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring – more relevant than ever: Pesticide Action M... Einnews
2022-09-26 Les fruits d’automne sont fortement contaminés par la catégorie de pesticid... Belgium La Libre Belgiq...
2022-09-15 Thousands of litres of pesticides used on Irish roads and forests each year
2022-09-14 Reduce pesticide derogations, says EU Farmers Journal
2022-09-13 Dérogations sur les pesticides : l’avocat général de la Cour de justice de... Agriculture et...
2022-09-12 Pesticides banned in EU, ‘Article 53’ derogations must be exceptional, says... Agence Europe
2022-09-12 Banned pesticides should not be used to combat frequent threats, deems ECJ... EU ENDS Europe
2022-09-12 EU quietly prolongs approval for 47 pesticides EU ENDS Europe
2022-09-12 EU Advocate General recommends to strongly limit the use of pesticide derog... Finland Helsinki Times
2022-09-12 EU Attorney General recommends strong restrictions on the use of pesticide... Worldakkam
2022-09-03 PAN Europe takes legal action against cypermethrin, a highly hazardous pest... Finland Helsinki Times
2022-09-03 PAN Europe takes legal action against cypermethrin, a highly dangerous pest... Worldakkam
2022-09-02 NGO takes legal action over re-approval of 'toxic' insecticide EU EU Observer
2022-09-02 Agrifood Brief: Waste not, want not EU Euractiv
2022-09-02 European Commission could face court over pesticide authorisation EU ENDS Europe
2022-09-02 Environmental group PAN Europe submitted a formal complaint to the Court of... Politico Pro
2022-09-01 Pesticides, PAN Europe conteste devant la Cour de justice de l’UE le renouv... Agence Europe
2022-08-22 Les fruits et légumes contiendraient de plus en plus de pesticides SocialMag
2022-08-13 Belgium needs to cut back on pesticides by 58% Press Editorial...
2022-08-13 Belgium must reduce pesticide use by 58% Belgium The Brussels Ti...
2022-07-21 «Le marché des pesticides dangereux est hautement rentable pour les firmes... France Le Monde
2022-07-13 Alert: EU Commission wants to greenlight another highly dangerous pesticide... EU ENDS Europe
2022-07-13 Pesticides : PAN Europe conteste en justice la prolongation systématique de... France Actu Environnem...
2022-07-12 European Commission warned against approving “notoriously toxic” Propyzamid... Int Food Ingredient...
2022-07-12 Worthing Borough Council to phase out Glyphosate-based pesticides BBC
2022-07-11 Une ONG saisit la justice au sujet d’un fongicide France La France Agric...
2022-07-08 PAN Europe takes issue of extended authorisations of dangerous pesticides t... Agence Europe
2022-07-07 Pesticide action group takes legal action on EU permits Ireland Agriland
2022-07-07 Commission sued over relicensing ‘one of the most hazardous pesticides’ EU ENDS Europe
2022-07-06 ‘Carpet of bees’: How Romania flouts EU ban on bee-killing insecticides EU Politico
2022-07-04 L'Allemagne commercialise 35 pesticides toxiques sur les 55 qui devrai... Agence Europe
2022-07-01 EU Bans Pesticides in Parks, Playgrounds, and Playing Fields Fails to Set O... Beyond Pesticid...
2022-06-24 EU wants to cut pesticide use – but will it give itself the tools to measur... Investigate Eur...
2022-06-24 En Belgique, un fruit sur trois est contaminé par la catégorie la plus noci... Belgium Le Soir
2022-06-23 A dramatic new European Union proposal would cut pesticide use by half in j... UpWorthy
2022-06-22 EU Commission proposes cutting pesticides by half by 2030 The Irish Exami...
2022-06-22 EU Commission proposes measures to limit use of pesticides and create Natur... Jurist
2022-06-22 EU Commission proposes cutting pesticides by half by 2030 LMTonline
2022-06-22 Commission targets 50% cut in pesticide use by 2030 EU ENDS Europe
2022-06-13 Organic movement pushes for better pesticide reduction indicator Eurofruit
2022-06-04 News in brief: ‘Hot air is killing us,’ warns UN chief EU ENDS Europe
2022-06-03 Parliament, Council seal provisional deal on agricultural statistics reform EU Euractiv
2022-05-25 Fruitmand vol pesticiden Editie-NL
2022-05-24 Les résidus de pesticides sur les fruits vendus dans l'UE en hausse, s... France Le Figaro
2022-05-24 Près d’un tiers des fruits produits en Europe sont contaminés par des pesti... France Le Monde
2022-05-24 European fruit with traces of most toxic pesticides ‘up 53% in nine years’ UK The Guardian
2022-05-13 Zöld hét 2022/19Egyre mérgesebb a környezetünk Greenfo
2022-05-13 Tovább csúszhat a glifozát betiltása Greendex
2022-05-12 Glyphosate authorisation set for extension as EU agencies postpone decision EU ENDS Europe
2022-05-11 EU agencies push back glyphosate assessment to mid-2023 EU Euractiv
2022-05-11 Halogatja az EU a valószínűleg rákkeltő glifozát betiltását 444
2022-05-04 En 10 ans, les ventes de pesticides ont augmenté dans plusieurs États membr... Agence Europe
2022-05-03 EU pesticides sales stable in the past ten years EU ENDS Europe
2022-04-08 Ue divisa sul Sulfoxaflor, salta il divieto del pesticida pericoloso per le... AgriFoodToday
2022-03-29 ClientEarth to use new Aarhus rights in fisheries challenge EU ENDS Europe
2022-03-10 Europe needs drastic pesticide reduction Social Europe
2022-03-01 Draft pesticides law must be strengthened, say green groups EU ENDS Europe
2022-02-08 Commission’s leaked plans on integrated pest management slammed as too weak EU Euractiv
2022-02-04 Leak: Draft pesticides regulation angers campaigners EU ENDS Europe
2022-02-04 EFSA recommendations ‘support more harm’ to wild bee populations EU ENDS Europe
2022-02-03 Member states accused of sabotaging plans to cut pesticide use EU ENDS Europe
2022-02-03 Jak Rada Europejska torpeduje kluczowe przepisy? Nadciągają czarne chmury n... Hipoalergiczni
2022-02-03 L’Europe a besoin de données fiables pour réduire l’usage des pesticides Belgium La Libre
2022-02-02 Commission threatened with legal action over pesticide approvals EU ENDS Europe
2022-02-02 Pesticides : les objectifs du Pacte vert européen sont menacés France Le Monde
2022-02-02 Abeilles et pesticides : un taux de mortalité « acceptable » proposé France Le Monde
2022-02-02 Commission et États membres n'en font pas assez pour réduire l'ut... Agence Europe
2022-01-10 Harmful pesticides found in Italian food EU ENDS Europe
2021-06-22 Jak usunąć pestycydy z warzyw i owoców? Kuchnia
2021-06-11 Pesticides : l’ONG PAN Europe dénonce une nouvelle fois les manquements de... France Agra Europe
2021-06-11 Pittig: Binnen Vivaldi stelt Ecolo een parlementaire vraag over lobbyisten... Business AM

© Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe), Rue de la Pacification 67, 1000, Brussels, Belgium, Tel. +32 2 318 62 55

Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe) gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the European Union, European Commission, DG Environment, LIFE programme. Sole responsibility for this publication lies with the authors and the funders are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.