
Pesticides banned in the EU and exported to third countries - Status of Commission legislative proposal
Dear President von der Leyen,
We, the 6 undersigned, are deeply concerned about the persistent issue of hazardous pesticides that are banned in the EU but still exported to third countries and the severe ethical, health and environmental consequences for Europe and beyond.

Concerns on EFSA’s approach for revising the EU Guidance Document on non-target arthropods
Dear Mr. Url,

Open letter on the Vision for Agriculture and Food
Dear Commissioner for Agriculture and Food Christophe Hansen,
Congratulations on your appointment as Commissioner for Agriculture and Food. While navigating the complexities of the food and farming sectors will be a challenging task, your mandate has the potential to bring signicant positive change to our societies and the environment. We look forward to working constructively with you on the future of EU agriculture and food systems.

Concerns on EFSA’s misguided approach to the revision of the EU Guidance Document on non-target arthropods
Dear Director General Gallina,
Dear Director General Fink-Hooijer,

Dringende oproep om zich te verzetten tegen de verlenging van 8- hydroxyquinoline
Geachte Minister,

EU Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed (PAFF); 4-5 December - position of Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Europe
Dear members of the PAFF committee,
On December 4th and 5th, you are invited to the EU Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed (SCoPAFF) to discuss and/or potentially adopt opinions on several proposals from the European Commission. Ahead of this meeting, we would like to share PAN Europe's position on specific issues related to the protection of human health and the environment. We kindly request that you give these matters your particular attention.

Request to ban residues of EU-banned and hazardous pesticides in EU imported food
Dear Ms. Sandra Gallina,

Request to ban residues of EU-banned isopyrazam, carbendazim, thiophanate-methyl and cyproconazole
Dear members of the PAFF committee,

Urgent call to propose the non-renewal of flufenacet - A PFAS endocrine disruptor, toxic for the aquatic environment, and emitting TFA
Dear Ms. Gallina,

Urgent call to ban flufenacet - A endocrine-disrupting, PFAS-emitting pesticide
Dear Minister,