
April 2024

Support the first EU Soil Law

Dear Member of the European Parliament,

We are writing to you in view of the Plenary vote on the Soil Monitoring Law on 10 April. Although we strongly regret the lack of binding targets, mandatory plans and very weak provisions regarding soil management, we would like to ask you to support the first EU Soil Law and the compromise amendments reached in the Environment Committee. Your vote will be essential in taking a first step towards healthy soils in Europe. 

March 2024

The attack of the Commission on the environmental conditionality of the CAP is undemocratic, outrageous, and threatens the legitimacy of the CAP

Dear Ms Ursula von der Leyen,

Dear Mr Janusz Wojciechowski,

Dear Mr Virginijus Sinkevičius,

March 2024

Civil society organisations urge the Council of the European Union to strengthen EU water legislation to protect European waters and citizens from pesticide pollution

Dear Permanent Representative,

March 2024

EU Standing committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed - 20-21 March - position of Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Europe

Dear members of the PAFF committee,

On 20 and 21 March, you are invited to the EU Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed to discuss and/or adopt opinions on several proposals of the European Commission. In advance of this meeting, please find below PAN Europe's position on certain issues that relate to the protection of human health and the environment, for which we kindly request your particular attention.

March 2024

Joint letter to the EU Commission to reconsider the loosening of the CAP’s green architecture

We, the undersigned European coalitions 1 and civil society organisations, who work every day for an agroecological and fair transition toward sustainable food systems, including a better Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in line with the European Green Deal, are deeply concerned by the latest measures taken by the European Commission and the recent announcements made by both the EC and the Belgian Presidency of the Council regarding the green architecture of the CAP.

March 2024

Nature-based water resilience cannot wait

Dear European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen,

We are writing to you as a group of stakeholders, united by our concern for healthy freshwater and marine ecosystems, to express our regret at the decision to delay the EU Communication on water resilience. 

Continue reading.

March 2024

Joint call for food system transformation and a legislative framework for sustainable food systems in the next mandate

Dear President von der Leyen,

We, the undersigned organisations, are urging you to call on the next Commission to make the transition to sustainable food systems a high political priority. The next Commission must uphold a holistic food systems approach to policy-making, relying on a multi-DG governance structure, and bring forth the long-awaited proposal for a legislative framework for sustainable food systems.

February 2024

European citizens face increasing exposure to cocktails of PFAS pesticides through their food - Urgent call to ban PFAS pesticides in the European Union (UE)

Dear Commissioner Kyriakides, 

With this letter, PAN Europe would like to bring to your attention the concerning findings of our report about PFAS pesticides in EU food ‘Toxic Harvest: the rise of forever pesticides in fruit and vegetables in Europe’ published yesterday. We urge you to take immediate action to address this source of PFAS exposure safeguarding the health of citizens and our environment. 

February 2024

Joint Statement: The EU must make pesticide reduction a reality

We, the undersigned 125 organisations, condemn the failure of the European Parliament, Council and Commission to deliver on a crucial element of the Green Deal: pesticide reduction. On February 6th 2024 the European Commission announced it would withdraw its proposal for the Sustainable Use Regulation (SUR), delaying by years urgently needed action to reduce the use and risks of synthetic pesticides in Europe. 

February 2024

CEFIC event letter to De Croo

Dear Prime Minister De Croo,

We are appalled that today the Belgian Presidency of the EU is organising, alongside the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC) and its Belgian industry member Essenscia, a closed event for chemical and other intensive industrial energy users and high-level political leaders at BASF’s chemicals plant in Antwerp.

© Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe), Rue de la Pacification 67, 1000, Brussels, Belgium, Tel. +32 2 318 62 55

Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe) gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the European Union, European Commission, DG Environment, LIFE programme. Sole responsibility for this publication lies with the authors and the funders are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.