
July 2012

PAN report - The “120-day derogation”

Meet (Chemical) Agriculture. In 2011, EU Member States granted 230 pesticide authorizations for emergency situations

Extra download: derogations in 2007-2012 (xls)

May 2012

PAN report - Disrupting food

Endocrine disrupting chemicals
in European Union food. 

Also available in French.

April 2012

PAN report - Twisting and bending the rules

In ‘Resubmission’ all efforts are aimed to get pesticides approved.

February 2012

PAN report - A TTC for PCPs? Mais, Oui!

Drive Continues to Replace Chronic Toxicity Tests With a Fabricated Threshold of Toxicologic Concern (TTC).

January 2012

Race To The Bottom - Het CTBG doorgelicht

Het College voor de toelating ven bestrijdingsmiddelen (Ctgb) is gewikkeld in een ‘race to the bottom’ om bij het bedrijfsleven in het gevlij te komen en offert daarbij de bescherming van het Nederlandse milieu tegen de schadelijke effecten van bestrijdingsmiddelen op.

Also available with English summary and conclusions.

January 2012

Pesticide Action Network Europe's 2012 report

In this report we outline PAN Europe's role, provide our analysis of EU pesticide policy developments, describe some of our major activities and finally provide highlights of our network members' activities in 2012.

November 2011

Meet (chemical) agriculture - The world of backdoors, derogations, sneaky pathways and loopholes - part 2

Essential use of soil fumigant Metam Sodium.

The unsustainable “15” identified.

June 2011

Roundup and birth defects

Is the public being kept in the dark? 

Also available in French and German.

April 2011

Europe's pesticide and food safety regulators

New report of Claire Robinson (Earth Open Science) on Food Authority EFSA's love of industry lobby club ILSI. Click here to download.

January 2011

Meet (chemical) agriculture, The world of backdoors, derogations, sneaky pathwyas and loopholes

France European backdoor champion on pesticides.

Download the Excel annex here.

Also available in French.

© Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe), Rue de la Pacification 67, 1000, Brussels, Belgium, Tel. +32 2 318 62 55

Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe) gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the European Union, European Commission, DG Environment, LIFE programme. Sole responsibility for this publication lies with the authors and the funders are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.