
January 2011

Meet (chemical) agriculture, The world of backdoors, derogations, sneaky pathwyas and loopholes

France European backdoor champion on pesticides.

Download the Excel annex here.

Also available in French.

January 2011

Pesticide Action Network Europe's 2011 report

In this report we outline PAN Europe's role, provide our analysis of EU pesticide policy developments, describe some of our major activities and finally provide highlights of our network members' activities in 2011.

May 2010

Semain sans pesticides

PAN-Europe document de la Semaine sans pesticides, Mars 2010.

See also

March 2010

NAP Best Practice: Sustainable use of pesticides: Implementing a National Action Plan

A guide to assist and support EU member states in producing their National Action Plans (NAP) as required under the Sustainable Use Directive.

March 2010

Week without pesticides

PAN-Europe brochures about the Semain sans pesticides (Week without pesticides) , March 2010.

March 2010

Pesticides and the loss of biodiversity

How intensive pesticide use affects wildlife populations and species diversity
Presenting research into the impact of pesticides on biodiversity and detailing current policies and methods for biodvieristy conservation.

Also available in French.

January 2010

Pesticide Action Network Europe's 2010 report

In this report we outline PAN Europe's role, provide our analysis of EU pesticide policy developments, describe some of our major activities and finally provide highlights of our network members' activities in 2010.

January 2009

Pesticide Action Network Europe's 2009 report

In this report we outline PAN Europe's role, provide our analysis of EU pesticide policy developments, describe some of our major activities and finally provide highlights of our network members' activities in 2009.

January 2008

PAN Europe Annual Report

Including stories of success from the PAN Europe Network.

September 2007

Pesticide Use Reduction Strategies in Europe

An analytic overview of six European pesticide use reduction programmes - features case studies of initiatives led by national  [read report] governments, farmers, NGOs and retailers

Also available in French.

© Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe), Rue de la Pacification 67, 1000, Brussels, Belgium, Tel. +32 2 318 62 55

Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe) gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the European Union, European Commission, DG Environment, LIFE programme. Sole responsibility for this publication lies with the authors and the funders are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.