
March 2025

EU Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed (SCoPAFF); 11-12 March - position of Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Europe

Dear Members of the SCoPAFF committee,

On March 11th and 12th, you are invited to the EU Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed to discuss and potentially adopt opinions on several European Commission’s proposals. Ahead of this meeting, we would like to share PAN Europe's position on key issues concerning human health and environmental protection. We kindly request that you give these matters your careful attention. 

February 2025

Neuroendocrine effects of the pesticide deltamethrin

Dear Ms. Gallani, dear pesticide experts,

With this letter, we would like to draw your attention to several key new scientific evidence studies on neurotoxicity caused by Deltamethrin insecticide. Despite EU’s obligation to review the new available scientific data every 10-15 years, the last review of this substance dates back in 2003. Considering the importance of the new scientific findings on brain development, we kindly urge you to take action and ban this substance.

February 2025

EU Court verdict on recent scientific insights in pesticide authorisations

Dear Director,

February 2025

VISION for AGRICULTURE - Unscientific approach on Pesticides - Please AMEND the text

Dear Commissioner,

February 2025

Prevent the EU’s double standards for residues of banned pesticides in imported food

Dear Commissioner Hansen,

We, the undersigned civil society groups, are writing to express our strong support following your statement at the Agricultural and Fisheries Council on 27th of January, in which you committed to ensuring that food imported into the EU meets the same standards as food produced within the EU. In this regard, we call on you to take action under the EU Vision for Agriculture and Food to ensure – to the fullest extent possible – that imported food is not grown using pesticides banned in the EU. 

January 2025

Urgent call to ban the PFAS pesticide fluopyram due to its TFA emissions

Dear Ms. Gallina,

We, a coalition of 29 NGOs dedicated to protecting human health and the environment, urgently call upon the Commission to ban the active substance fluopyram, a per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS). The significant emissions of trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) from fluopyram and the resulting groundwater contamination clearly demonstrate that the substance does not meet the requirements of the Pesticide Regulation 1107/2009. 

January 2025

Call to propose the non-renewal of fenoxaprop-P-ethyl and fludioxonil

Dear Ms. Gallina, 

January 2025

Pesticide reduction should be a key aspect from the upcoming Vision for Agriculture and Food, and is key to implement the recommendations of the Strategic Dialogue on EU Agriculture

Dear Commissioner Hansen,

We are writing to you regarding the upcoming EU Vision for Agriculture and Food. We would like to underline the important need of ambitious action on pesticide reduction, which should evidently have a central place in the EU Vision for Agriculture and Food. Therefore, we kindly provide you, in addition to this letter, with a briefing with our recommendations for the Vision. 

December 2024

Electronic registration of pesticides data should be implemented without delay

Dear Minister,

We are writing to you to express our acute concerns regarding the attempts of some Member States to postpone the digitisation of record-keeping for pesticide data by two years. It is essential that electronic record-keeping of pesticides is implemented without delay, from 1 January 2026, as determined by the Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/564. Delaying digital record-keeping is unacceptable for the following reasons.

December 2024

Electronic registration of pesticides data should be implemented without delay

Dear Commissioner Várhelyi,

We are writing to you to express our acute concerns regarding the attempts of some Member States to postpone the digitisation of record-keeping for pesticide data by two years. 

Continue reading.

© Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe), Rue de la Pacification 67, 1000, Brussels, Belgium, Tel. +32 2 318 62 55

Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe) gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the European Union, European Commission, DG Environment, LIFE programme. Sole responsibility for this publication lies with the authors and the funders are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.